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Title: Somewhen
Publisher: Private Cosmos Press
Editor(s): Susan Landerman
Date(s): 1986 or earlier
Medium: print
Fandom: Doctor Who
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Somewhen billed itself as a '"fanzine/filkzine/funzine that's lost in time and space."

Issue 1

Somewhen 1

Issue 2

Somewhen 2

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2

SOMEWHEN is a Dr. Who fanzine/filkzine, featuring new and reprinted material (although there's no credit given with the reprints, shame, shame!). "Romana's TARDIS" and "TARDIS: Stardate 7519-7" have "been previously published and enjoyed, so I'll skip to the material that was new (at least to me). The longest story is a personal universe story, "Dr. Who and the Master of Alinodae," by Sharon Jane Smith. The story concerns itself with the Doctor, a female companion named Phoenix who was a one-time student of Darth Vader, has the power of the Force, etc. The writing style is smooth, but a bit repetitive in some description, the adventure nicely plotted as the third Doctor tries to save his later self and that incarnation's companion who just happens to be a werewolf. All in good fun, I assure you.

The rest of the issue is made up of several poems, a listing of the symptoms of the Eccentric Who Fan, and lots of DW-inspired filksongs, most of them wonderfully silly and just plain fun, from diverse pens of Landerman, Smith, Freeman, Proctor, Armstrong, and some strange entity known only as Chaotic Filkers Anonymous. Sprinkled throughout are illos of the fourth Doctor by Landerman, and a couple of other spot illos from the filkers who are also artists. [1]

Issue 3

Somewhen 3 was advertised in July 1986 in The Clipper Trade Ship #52: "..all crossovers and Cons issue with special attention the the appearance of Peter Davidson."
