Stumbling Down the Yellow Brick Road

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Title: Stumbling Down the Yellow Brick Road
Author(s): portraitofafool
Date(s): 16 October 2010
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, angst
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Read Part 1 in LiveJournal
Read Part 2 in LiveJournal

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Stumbling Down the Yellow Brick Road is a Steve/Danny story by portraitofafool.

Get your head 'round that one. It means that it is my job to tell you the true story of what never happened. Perhaps that's a definition of fiction.


When Steve was seventeen, he got a crush on a boy in his class. Then for seventeen years after that, he put that side of himself away and hid it so well he nearly forgot about it. Then Danny came along and messed up the neat little world Steve had created and somewhere in the middle of his snark and bad eating habits, Steve screwed around and fell in love with him.[1]

Recs and Reviews


Steve and his ninja thoughts, including how hot Clint Eastwood's voice is. Covers Steve's past with guys and eventually accepting who he is and coming out of the closet. Had me making sadfaces for Steve in that way where you just know Danny is going to come along and make it better. And then he does and this whole thing is damned awesome. Bonus points: Danny in charge, mmm. [2]
