Sweet Nothings for the Numb

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Title: Sweet Nothings for the Numb
Author(s): Amal Nahurriyeh
Length: 10241 words
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: online here

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Sweet Nothings for the Numb is an X-Files MSR story by Amal Nahurriyeh.

In 2009, wendelah1 wrote a DVD Commentary for this fic is here.

Reactions and Reviews

This is the best post-ep fic written for “Emily.” Period. It is also Amal Nahurriyeh’s best work. If it had been posted for a mega-fandom (or for TXF back in its heyday), it would garnered thousands of kudos and hundreds of comments. I cannot recommend it more highly. I wrote DVD commentary for this fic back in 2009. Yes. I do love it that much.[1]

One thing that always bothered me about the Emily/Christmas Carol arc is that you never really got to see how the events impacted Scully. Finding and losing your daughter all within the space of a few days would be a HUGE emotional blow, especially since Scully had just found out that she was infertile. This fic takes place immediately following Emily's funeral, and explores the terrible emotions that Scully had to deal with. It's extremely angsty, so if you're a fan of angst, definitely give it a try.[2]
