T-Negative/Issues 21-35

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Issue 21

T-Negative 21 is 50 pages long and was published in August 1973. The front cover is by Connie Faddis. Other art by Rae Ladore, Douglas Herring, Rosalind Oberdieck, Ricky Pearson, Janice, and Mary Himmelbach.

front cover of issue #21, Connie Faddis
back cover of issue #21

Issue #21 is online here.

  • Starship Technical Report: Transporters by Mark Schulman (4)
  • Cyrano's Ballad by Ruth Berman (11)
  • Tunnels of an Imprisoned Mind by Carmen Carter (12)
  • Old Time Article: "Captain Kirk, A Man of Tomorrow" by John Stanley, San Francisco Examiner/Chronicle Datebook (29)
  • puzzle by Jackie Franke (32)
  • Articles of Interest (34)
  • Reviews (37)
  • What Have They Done to My Models? (miniatures) by Richard G. Van Treuren (39)
  • A Short Vulcon Report by Ruth Berman (40)
  • T-Waves: Letters (41)
  • Under Review by Carol Pruitt Ing, review of Star Trek Today, see that article (49)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 21

[Tunnels of an Imprisoned Mind]: Spock must perform mind-meld rescue for McCoy, going insane from paralysis after encounter with alien plant. Nice visions of McCoy's loneliness, madness. [1]

Issue 22

T-Negative 22 is 38 pages long and was published in January 1974. Art by Alan Andres, Doug Herring, C.S. Hillard, Joyce Yasner, Janice, Rae Ladore, Connie Faddis and Cory Correll.

front cover of issue #22, "Elizabeth Dehner" by Alan Andres
back cover of issue #22, Doug Herring

Issue #22 is online here.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 22

  • Ritual in the Kraith Universe / Criticism of Kraith's silly depiction of Vulcan life. Hear, hear.
  • My Life As a Star Trek Widower / Plaints of the abandoned husband. Cute
  • USS Enterprise, or, The Lass That Loved Electronics / Nice romp. Crewwoman in a pique sends Enterprise (except McCoy) into a loop performing "Pinafore". [2]

Issue 23

T-Negative 23 is 46 pages long and was published in in July 1974, still mimeographed. Art is by Kristina Trott, Greg Jein, Bunny Jackson, Doug Herring, Alan Andres, Ricky Pearson, Caroline Hillard, Gennie Summers, and Janice.

Issue #23 is online here.

front cover of issue #23, Kristina Trott
back cover of issue #23

From the editor:

I think future issues will be somewhat shorter and come out less frequently—partly because postage and paper costs keep going up, but mostly because I'm running off so many copies that it just takes a dreadfully long time to run off an issue.

The editor responds to a letter from a fan asking if she had ever thought of printing separate copies of Tim Courtney's art so she could matte them for display:

I suppose it would be easy enough to do. I think there'd have to be about 100 people wanting to get the set to make it economical. If, say, I made up a booklet of the half dozen or so Courtney covers, plus a few by other artists, plus some photo pages, 15-18 sheets, I suppose I could sell it as an extra issue of T-N. Those who wanted it could have it sent with the following issues of T-N, reducing their subscriptions by one, or could buy it separately for fifty cents.

This art was made available and is shown at the bottom of this page.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 23

See reactions and reviews for In the Maze.

  • Speculation: Uhura & Kirk / Well-considered speculations on this relationship
  • The Case Against the Transporter / [Well, yeah... but hey, it's just a plot device]
  • Uhura Gives Up on a Request for a Song [poem] / who's got a rhyme for "warp"?
  • In the Maze / Kirk goes after a missing landing party, ends up with Spock and an injured McCoy being tested like lab rats in a maze full of dangers. [3]

Issue 24

front cover of issue #24, Douglas Herring
back cover of issue #24, Gennie Summers

T-Negative 24 is 16 pages long and was published in September 1974. This issue was done offset (no cranking a duplicating machine), in reduced format (fewer pages to collate).

Issue #24 is online here.

The editor says:

As you're probably noticing, There've Been Some Changes Made—the plain work of cranking out so many copies overcame me.

The fanzine printed the music and lyrics for "Yr Hufen Melyn," (The Yellow Cream), which was the song Scott sang in the animated Star Trek episode, "The Lorelei Signal."

Issue 25

front cover of issue #25, Cory Correll
back cover of issue #25, G. Hawfitch, note: the TOC lists a different cover and artist

T-Negative 25 is 16 pages long and was published in December 1974 and contains 16 pages.

Issue #25 is online here.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 25

  • At Odds: Nurse Chapel, the Original Hard-Luck Kid / Nice study of Chapel.
  • First Beloved / Spock & Chapel on a rescue mission end up pushing through a barrier that merges their minds oddly. [4]

Issue 26

T-Negative 26 is 17 pages long and was published in March 1975. A few pages are in an extremely-reduced print; the editor explains that was the only way to get the whole story to print as she wasn't interested in printing stories as serials anymore.

Issue #26 is online here.

front cover by Bunny Jackson
back cover, "Andorian" by Alan Andres
  • A Capital Ship, poem by Anne Braude and Ruth Berman (2)
  • Sleep Not, Dream Not by Connie Faddis (This is Faddis' very first pieces of Star Trek fiction. Years later, Faddis filed off the serial numbers, and it was published in "Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine." See Media Fandom Oral History Project Interview with Connie Faddis.) (The Enterprise encounters a planet full of dead people, a ship full of dead Klingons, and old woman Nal, a prisoner who cannot be approached because of a nightmare barrier. Another summary: The Enterprise finds a Klingon ship orbiting a class M planet. All aboard the ship are dead as a result of murder or suicide. The only survivor from the planet, found in the brig of the Klingon ship, is an ancient female humanoid, the Nal. She appears to be the cause of all the deaths. No one can communicate with her or even approach her as she is surrounded by a terror field. As the Nal slowly dies, McCoy defies his Captain and risks his own life in an attempt to save her life.) (3)
  • puzzle by Jackie Franke (17)
  • limerick by Teri Howard (17)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 26

See reactions and reviews for Sleep Not, Dream Not.

[zine]: Front cover is a composite of Vulcan characters from Star Trek done, back cover of an Andorian, both very good illos. One of the best features of this issue of T-N is a story by Connie Faddis, titled 'Sleep Not, Dream' not about an encounter with an alien who has a dangerous telepathic shield and Dr. McCoy's efforts to reach her. It is well-told and can undoubtedly be judged as one of this year's outstanding pieces of ST fanfic. Also in this issue is a song by Anne Braude and Ruth Berman, a small puzzle and limerick... This is definitely one of T-N's better issues. [5]

Issue 27

back cover of issue #27
front cover of #27, Connie Faddis

T-Negative 27 was published in April 1975 and is 16 pages long. Cover by Connie Faddis. Other art by D.L. Collin, Alan Andres, Al Siroid, Janice, Roz Oberdieck, Ricky Pearson.

Issue #27 is online here.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 27

Front cover by Connie Faddis, a real surprise on first seeing but done well. I won't spoil the effect I got by mentioning it... Opening article is by Gregory Jein is a good piece of research done on the different starships mentioned in ST and their serial numbers and classes. There is a small song by Dean Dickensheet. Then, there is a good-length article by Ruth Berman on Vulcan Mythology. Most of the article is well-thought out and self-explanatory but nonetheless some sections are understood to a greater degree if you have already been partially exposed to a few ideas concerning Vulcan beliefs from other zines. There is a short article, also in Vulcans by Pat Gildersleeve. The rest of the zine is huckster notes and letters. [6]

  • The Case of Jonathan Doe Starship / Techie stuff on naming & numbering of starships.
  • Klingon Chanty [filk]
  • Notes & Theories on Vulcan Mythology / More extrapolation on Vulcan culture, from Spock's firepot idol. [7]

Issue 28

T-Negative 28 is 18 pages long and was published in Sept 1975. The front cover is by Ricky Pearson, there is no "back cover"; the zine simply stops at the last page of text. Other art by D.L. Collin, Gee Moaven, Janice, Bunny Jackson, and Doug Herring.

Issue #28 is online here.

front cover of issue #28, Ricky Pearson
  • The Brooks of Eden, story by Marnie Ellington (3) (Spock gets to know Leila during Academy refresher.)
  • Three Musical Themes, transcribed by Donald Koch ((15)
  • List of ST zines received (16) ("I'm going to try this for a while, in place of an actual review column. However, I'm putting an '*' by zines which, for one reason or another, usually literary merit or informational quality, I think are particularly good. This method of reviewing-without-reviewing infuriates me when it's done to my own work, so I apologize to the editors involved, but it's better than no notice at all..." This section has very short informational blurbs for 25 titles.)
  • T-Waves: Letters, one from Alan Dean Foster, who was novelizing the animated Star Trek episodes at the time (17)
  • A Visit to the Set by Shirley Meech (18) (poem)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 28

Immediately inside is a reprint of a newspaper article about Shatner from 1958. There is an excellent piece of short fiction inside called 'The Brooks of Eden.' The story is well written and is enjoyable to read. It is accompanied by a good selection of decent illos. Three musical themes are depicted associated with different characters and episodes from Star Trek. A list of 25 fanzines received and the lettercol fills up the majority of the remainder. A poem by Shirley Meech, 'Visit to the Set.' provides an epilogue. This is a somewhat scant but very enjoyable issue. Recommended. [8]

This is largely a surprise-ending type story called 'The Brooks of Eden,' about Spock at an advanced computer school when he was still under Pike's command. The main character in the story is referred to only as 'she' during all but the last page of the story; it's almost as if the reader has met 'her' somewhere before and author is daring the reader to figure out who 'she' is. This issue also has a letter column, a list of fanzines received, a poem by Shirley Meech, and a short article called 'Shatner's Glum About TV Drama'. [9]

Issue 29

T-Negative 29 is 17 pages long and was published in Oct 1975. Art by Doug Herring, Bunny Jackson, D.L. Collin, Janice, Ricky Pearson, Gee Moaven, Gennie Summers, and Alan Andres.

Issue #29 is online here.

front cover of issue #29, Doug Herring
back cover of issue #29, Gennie Summers

The editor appears a little weary:

Comes out irregularly. Which means, by the the way, that there isn't much point in writing to me to ask why you haven't received you next issue (because I haven't put it out yet is the usual reason) -- unless you have a real reason, such as having just moved or having heard from someone who got a copy you didn't... And even then there's no point to writing unless you enclose a return envelope stamped (if you want an answer, that is.)

  • The Unknown Traveler, story by Deborah Naffziger (3) (Enterprise picks up a dying Romulan Centurion, but is she or isn't she Vulcan?)
  • T-Waves, Letters (14)
  • Beach to Walk On (poem) by Shirley Meech (15)
  • reprint of "Television/Star Trek" a column by John Stanley from a March 1968 issue of Examiner/Chronicle Datebook (San Francisco) (17)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 29

The bulk of this issue is an is-she-or-isn't-she story about a traveler in a small Romulan ship who asks for sanctuary in the Federation; the question: is she Romulan, or a Vulcan disguised to spy on the Romulans?... [This issue also contains] another poem by Shirley Meech, and a very interesting article on ST from 1968. [10]

Beginning this issue is part of a poem by George Herbert, and a piece of short fiction entitled, "The Unknown Traveler," by Deborah Naffziger. There are letters and a poem by Shirley Meech, "A Beach to Walk On." The poem is accompanied on the same page by an illo of Janis Rand by Alan Andres, which I think is one of his better ones. The only thing that bugs me about this issue is the characterization of Kirk in Ms. Naffziger's story, which I just could not accept at all, and wasn't explained at all to any satisfaction. Otherwise, I found this issue to be be completely enjoyable for short reading. Recommended. [11]

Issue 30/31

T-Negative 30/31 is 30 pages long and was published in March 1976. Art by Gee Moaven, Anne Braude, Janice, Bunny Jackson, Gennie Summers, D.L. Collin, Rae Ladore, Rosalind Ludwig, Connie Faddis, Gary Hawfitch, Heather Firth, Wendy Lindboe, Alan Andres, Anita Nordstrom, and Melisa Michaels.

Issue #30/31 is online here.

front cover of issue #30/31 by Gee Moaven
back cover of issue #30/31, D.L. Collin

From the editor: "Unfortunately, I've been finding the work of putting out T-N getting to be too much for me."

From the editor:

And speaking of ceasing publication -- I've received several letters from friends complaining about not receiving fanzines ordered and wondering what to do when a fanzine ceases publication without returning subscription monies. So I suspect it's a widespread problem and such advice as I have to offer may be helpful. First, allow about a year to be sure that the fanzine has really stopped... Then write a couple of times (allowing a month or so between letters) to ask for an estimated date-of-next-publication or the return of your money -- AND ENCLOSE A RETURN ENVELOPE AND POSTAGE. Then, if there's no response, try returning a friend or relative nearby who could phone or visit on your behalf. Or try writing the community's Better Business Bureau and ask it to enquire on your behalf. Failing all that -- your money is probably lost. But why do fanzine editors pull such an unfriendly trick on their readers?... Not out of intentional dishonesty, I'm sure the money isn't enough to abscond to Rio and live on it. The usual reasons are illness, love, a new school, or a new job. That's to say, anything demanding enough to keep the editor from putting out the zine in the first place is probably also troublesome enough to keep the editor from getting around to returning subscriptions. (The defaulting editor is probably still holding hopes of getting around to it Real Soon Now, or even holding onto the money in hopes of getting out an issue... someday.) It's foolish, rude, and immoral, but all too human.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 30/31

There some bad news that accompanies this latest issue of the longest running ST fanzine. In an editorial, Ms. Berman explains that that T-Neg will cease publication after two more double issues. However, good news in THIS one: there is much interesting and high quality material. Two stories are included -- 'G Above High C3' by Phyllis Ann Karr as much the same air about it as 'Tribbles' did. There is a plot -- but it is secondary to the humorous aspects. This one concerns some unlikely time travelers from Gaul circa 50 B.C. -- and a bard, a delivery boy, a warrior and his dog, a Klingon who wants Uhura for a birthday gift for his grandsom, and the trouble Captain Kirk has with his powdered non-dairy coffee creamer. It's delightful. There's one of Ms. Berman's famous 'after stories,' this one called 'Eye Opener,' which goes along with 'Wink of an Eye' and mainly goes to prove again that if a planet ever needs a population boom, the Big E is the ship to call. Other features include a lettercol, some nice interior art, and a list of fanzines. But the main feature of this issue is a wickedly funny parody by Paula Smith called 'T-Minus 30 and Counting' that takes on famous fans, Ms. Berman's poetry style, and a certain type of (very) familiar fan story [T-Negative], among other items. The front cover is a rather feminine Captain Kirk by Gee Moaven, bacover of Spock by D.L. Collin. [12]

This double-issue starts out with the surprising word that Ruth Berman plans to end T-Negative's publication with issue #35. I'm sure that most fans will consider this the end of a legend; if so, I hope they well try to forget this particular issue is part of the legend. It starts off with a cover of Kirk, or so I assume so, by Gee Moaven. If you look real hard, it might look like John Payne but certainly not William Shatner. Nice try, though. The bacover is another one of D.L. Collin's drawings, this time of Spock. The contours of her drawings are good, but they are unrealistic, and flat and could easily be converted into a paint-by-number drawing if she hadn't shade them. 'G Above High C' is the first story in this issue, and turns out to be an attempt at humor in much the same vein that 'I, Mudd' and 'Tribbles' was in, although you honestly can't tell as much until well into the story. It has its good points, and a few spots are hilariously funny, but it's written badly. No way around it. There just wasn't the right kind of tempo and flow necessary to pull this story off as a success... 'Eye Opener' is another one of the 'after' stories, this time about an attempt to save the inhabitants of 'Scalos' from extinction. Ruth researches the problem thoroughly, and thinks through all of the technical details and requirements, the the story is very short, ends on a nice somber, and happy note. Nothing special at all, and the story succeeds only in finding ways to save the Scalosians and little else. Following is a huge selection of letters received and a somewhat shorter section on fanzines received which manage to take up more than 8 pages. Finishing up the major pieces in this ish is a parody called 'T-Minus' The parody is given no foreword whatsoever, which makes the reader wonder at first what is going on. It is drawn-out, lengthy in spots where it could have been shortened and Ruth put a picture by Alan Andres in the middle which tends to destroy the flow of the parody. Although the idea for this parody sounded hilarious when I first heard about it, I wasn't moved at all upon seeing it in print... All and all, gang, I don't see how there is anyway around it; this is an abysmally disappointing issue of T-Negative, not one I'd go out of my way to add to a collection. Harsh words perhaps, but for a fanzine that many people have come to admire as a legend or an institution, it should show more ability that it does. [13]

  • G Above High C3 / Lovely little Asterix crossover romp. The Enterprise crew are rewarded for saving a planet with a "gift" of a crystal that promptly beams Cacofonix the bard on board, soon followed by Asterix and the rest, and then some Klingons join in.
  • Puzzle [acrostic] /
  • Eye-Opener / Post - "Wink-of-an-Eye"; Kirk orders a sperm-bank for the Scalosians and sets up time-delayed communications with them while Enterprise runs off on a another mission and the Scalosians age 10 years - but in the interval McCoy et al come up with a cure and the Scalosians are now running at normal speed. [14]

Issue 32/33

front cover of issue #32/33, Mary Ann Emerson
back cover of issue #32/33, Ricky Pearson

T-Negative 32/33 was published in March 1977 and is 35 pages long. It contains four stories, a speech transcript, a filk, LoCs, and art. The editor reprints a cartoon from an earlier issue, along with an apology for changing the caption (see issue #9). Art is by Mary Ann Emerson, Ricky Pearson, Gennie Summers, Gee Moaven, Bunny Jackson, Janice, Suzanne Kirwan, Connie Faddis, Al Kuhfeld, and Rae Ladore.

Issue #32/33 is online here.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 32/33

This is the next-to-last issue. The next one, #34-35 will be the last issue of T-Negative. There are three stories. 'Kaz-dhu' by Marcia Erison, is 'Amok Time' from the point of view of a Vulcan woman, T'Lahr. It's good and only whets a taste for more of the same. 'Journey from Babel' by Ruth Berman is another of her excellent Bones-Spock vignettes. I wish she would publish them together some day. 'The Missing Lesson' by Jean Lorrah is an unholy combination of Claire Gabriel's universe 'The Lesson' in Quartet Plus One and Jean's characters, solutions, and writing style. It didn't work. 'A Romulan Tale -- or The Balance of Terror' by Paulliam Smithspeare is the episode done in blank verse, and an occaisional rhymed copulet. 'Journey to Libel' sung to the tune of Sweet Betsy from Pike, is by Ruth Berman. There's a transcript of a speech by Alan Dean Foster, about some of what he's done and the why of Star Trek Log books. Ah-huh. In all fairness, read his straight SF books; they're not bad. T-N is probably going to be a collector's item, as soon as it gafiates. Don't wait too long to get one. [15]

T-Negative has always been an impressive zine, and this latest issue confirms it's reputation as such. Starting the zine is 'Kaz-Dhu,' by Marcia Ericson, which looks like your typical 'heroine pining over Spock' story at first, but has a few surprises toward the end. 'Journey from Babel' is one of Ruth Berman's 'post-episode' stories, which is centered on a meeting between McCoy and Spock. The meeting is more than chance, though, and the ending far from expected. 'The Missing Lesson' is another one of the of the 'Twin Moons' universe series. This one takes place between Sarek's first and second pon farr and deals quite responsibility with the predictable problem caused by marriage between a normal human with normal sexual desires, and a normal Vulcan with a normal Vulcan sexual restraint. 'A Romulan's Tale' by Paula Smith (excuse me, Paulliam Smithspeare') is the 'Balance of Terror' re-done in a Shakespearean style, and done very well indeed, right down to slipping in the occasional pun -- as Shakespeare was noted for. Fortunately, not content with merely rendering the episode in proper form, Ms Smithspeare also puts a bit of her own rapier wit, her own jokes, her own expletives, her own -- well, you get the idea. Next, another rendering by Ruth Berman called 'Journey to Libel, which puts our (mine, that is) episode into song form, suitable for filksinging fests. And, lastly but not leastly, the transcript of a talk given by Alan Dean Foster in Minneapolis a few years back, wherein Foster justifies his own style of writing Star Trek. This is enlightening reading for any Trekfan, whether or not you happen to like Foster's books (in my own case, not). Filling out the issue are the usual LoCs and zines received list. The artwork is superb, from ships to sehlats. The covers by Mary Ann Emerson and Ricky Pearson are great. In other words, this will make a fine addition to your treasurehouse of fanzines. [16]

If you can get someone to photostat the uh, Smithspeare parody for you, or borrow a copy, read it that way. Otherwise, it just looks like the editor is using up the last of the material on hand in preparation for the last issue. The price ain't bad, but there just isn't a lot in this ish. [17]

  • Kaz-Dhu / First person account of "Amok Time" from T'Lahn who, knowing that T'Pring will challenge, intends to offer herself as Kaz-Dhu, legal substitute and foil her evil plans. Nicely written, with an interesting perspective. But more hi-falutin' Vulcan hoo-hah.
  • Journey From Babel / McCoy attempts to draw Spock out after Babel, and uncovers a blood relationship. Ruth's usual fine characterization, however short.
  • The Missing Lesson / Amanda teaches Sarek how to please her - in the years between...
  • A Romulan's Tale / The Balance of Terror in blank verse
  • Journey to Libel [Filk] / Journey to Babel, to the tune of Sweet Betsy from Pike
  • The "Star Trek" Phenomenon. "Star Trek""Cartoons into Literature, or, Spock's Ears vs. War and Peace / Transcript of convention speech, on novelizations of animated episodes [18]

Issue 34/35

front cover of issue #34/35: This was also used as the 1974 cover of Additions and Corrections to the Star Trek Concordance and Supplement. The second image is an early, early photomanip. From the zine: "'Gentle on my Mind,' a double exposure from an off-the-tv shot of "Day of the Dove" [taken] by Tim Courtney."
back cover of issue #34/35, a montage of previous front covers

T-Negative 34/35 was published in March 1979 and is 40 pages long.

The art is by Wendy Lindboe, Gennie Summers, Melisa Michaels, Connie Faddis, Bunny Jackson, Gee Moaven, Suzanne Kirwan, D.L. Collin, Tim Courtney, Janice, and Anthony Tollin.

From the editor:

It took me two years instead of one, but here is the final issue of T-Negative... I plan to keep the back issues available indefinitely, now that I've succeeded in getting them all into print" The editor writes that she got her Ph.D., has been working on a novel, and that "I don't have any plans for fannish activity, but I'll probably find myself doing some eventually anyway. Good wishes to you all.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 34/35

  • Spock Too Many / Spock begins multiplying; a young one hypothesizes that they have been zapped with a time-line disorienter. Things turn serious as the youngster begins to die. Resolution by paradox.
  • Review of the 3rd Star Trek Concordance with addenda
  • Visit to an Alternate Universe / Soliloquy from Sarek's post-Amanda lover
  • Horta scribens: The Script-Writing Horta / Amusing scientific description of the creature - which lays rectangular 8 1/2 x 11" eggs.
  • List of STzines received
  • Journey's End / Ruth Berman / McCoy ends up with Natira, Kirk with Ariel Shaw, and Spock with the Enterprise.[19]

T-NEGATIVE is another old-timer, a pioneering zine that published the early efforts of some of fandom's best, brought alternate-universe and "postscript" stories into the canon, and helped to establish resonable literary standards for amateur fiction. It's consequently something of a disappointment that this valedictory issue doesn't produce a more impressive bang. Don't get me wrong!Berman is probably incapable of emitting a whimper. But T-N 34/35 is no blaze of glory, either. The lead story is Melisa Michaels' "Spock Too Many", in which the First Officer's visit to Betheltaub Three results in his being "zapped with a time-line disorientor by an invisible alien". What follows is a multiplicity of Spock's, a seance to summon a future avatar who has lived through reintegration and therefore knows how it must be accomplished, and a great deal of double-talk about "fourth-dimensional paradoxes". The solution is frankly unbelievable; Michaels paints herself into a corner and escapes by sawing a hole through the wall. If you're looking for elucidation of character, you won't find it here. Nor is Jean Lorrah's "Visit to an Alternate Universe" particularly satisfying. It concerns a Terran woman who has "served Sarek's need" five times since Amanda's death in a shuttle accident (Yy), She loves but will not marry him; he still loves Amanda, Ruth's own "Journey's End" is an end-of-mission vignette in which Kirk settles into his new Commodore's rank, McCoy settles down with Natira, and Spock settles into the E's command chair. The story itself merely settles, intransitively. There are also a number of minor features, including a short, witty taxonomy of Horta Scribens (the script-writing Horta), a review and correction of the Star Trek Concordance as published by Ballantine, and a list of Trekzines received. The illos are mostly mediocre—the exceptions are all early Faddis—and not much to the point, I can't honestly recommend this issue to anyone but a completist, though I suspect most fans will want the entire set of T-N's, Ruth plans to keep them all in print indefinitely, De gustibus. [20]


  1. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  2. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  3. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  4. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  5. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  6. ^ from Spectrum #18
  7. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  8. ^ from Spectrum #21
  9. ^ from The Halkan Council #12 (September 1975), also in Spectrum #21 (November 1975)
  10. ^ from The Halkan Council #12 (September 1975)
  11. ^ from Spectrum #21 (November 1975)
  12. ^ from The Halkan Council #18:
  13. ^ from Spectrum #25
  14. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  15. ^ from a review by Eileen Roy in Scuttlebutt #1
  16. ^ from The Halkan Council #26/27
  17. ^ excerpt from Spectrum #31
  18. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  19. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  20. ^ from Jane Aumerle in Star Canticle #2