Talk:Alberte's Cascade Waystation

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If this article is for the fan, rather than just the site, shouldn't its title be just Alberte and the Waystation part a redirect? I found it a bit disorienting to see "Alberte's Cascade Waystation" in the list of people.--Ratcreature 09:53, 14 December 2009 (UTC)

Redirecting a personal fandom website to the person doesn't work either because we aren't supposed to add fandom tags to people, but the website should get a fandom tag. I suggest to make separate pages for websites and persons. --Doro 23:36, 28 May 2010 (UTC)

I disagree in this case. The website doesn't need a page, it's just a list of Alberte's stories. It would be like having a page for someone's fic masterlist on LJ. It's only documented at all because it was on geocities. --MegR 13:04, 29 May 2010 (UTC)
Most fandom websites were personal websites with just the fiction of the author (and that of her friends), maybe some recs and links, others with screencaps, some meta, etc. That's what the fandom resources looked like. Right now the wiki is all about zines but when someone decides to take the next step in the fannish timeline and document the early (aka pre-LJ) fandom websites, this is an issue that will come up again and again. As far as I see it the only reason the page for this fan exists is because of the website and not the other way around. To make it all about the person seems like a very LJ-centric approach. --Doro 14:06, 29 May 2010 (UTC)
In fact I have made pages for a number of early, aka pre-LJ, websites myself. I know they are important resources. However there is no meta, no recs, no links, no screencaps, no other authors archived on this website. It is a list of stories. And a list of stories, whether on a masterlist or AO3 or a fandom's central archive or a personal website, is still just a list of stories. So I do not see any virtue here in a website-centric approach. --MegR 22:21, 30 May 2010 (UTC)