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There's this zine, "Re-Take." And there's "Best of Take One" [1] and Best of Take Two" [2] and "The Final Take: Take Three." [3] (this last one sounds like it should go with the other two).

What to do about this "series"? I'm thinking these are all related in that they are issues of work generated by this competition. But how to fit them all together? There is no real TITLE, aside from perhaps "Take" which is silly. Any ideas about how to link them and make them all easily searchable? *perplexed* Mrs. Potato Head 23:44, 21 February 2010 (UTC)

I either would bundle them under "Take" silly or not, and make the other titles redirects, or I would put each on their own page, and then maybe make a disambiguation page for "Take" with this series as a subcategory/section. I mean, there is also the tv series "Taken" and various articles alread start with take and variants (Take Clothes Off As Directed, Take or Give, Taking Command, Taking Flight) only the search engine sucks and gives nothing (and why is the new one still not here? I tried the one on the test server and that is not perfect but much better grumble*)--RatCreature 00:45, 22 February 2010 (UTC)
All good ideas. I think I'll go with the first suggestion. It's a good one. Would you help with all the awkward redirects I'm invariably going to leave? Mrs. Potato Head 02:00, 22 February 2010 (UTC)