Tethered, Wrapped Around

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Title: Tethered, Wrapped Around
Author(s): wewillalwaysenduphere
Date(s): 06 December 2020
Length: 4,440 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Alex Rider
External Links: Tethered, Wrapped Around (AO3)

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Tethered, Wrapped Around is Yassen/Alex story by wewillalwaysenduphere. It was written for the AR Fic Exchange 2020.

Summary: Yassen Gregorovich was dead. Alex had watched him die. So why did Alex keep seeing the man in crowds? Why was even the ghost of Yassen Gregorovich so determined to keep him alive? Or: Scorpia happens, but Yassen is there to guide Alex. This time, when Alex gets shot, Yassen is the one to hold his hand.

Recs and Reviews

Beautiful, contemplative AU with elements of magical realism and a focus on healing. This is another one I’ve read multiple times; it’s really pretty and without the usual action, the tone is very different from a lot of AR fics out there. If you’re in the mood for something quieter but happy, I would HIGHLY recommend this one. Teen, complete. Starts post-Eagle Strike and carries through Scorpia to some unidentified future time.[1]

