The Chosen Series

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Title: The Chosen Series
Author(s): Brenda Antrim
Date(s): 1999
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Star Wars TPM
External Links: Bound, Broken, Trials, Balance (Castle's Keep)

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The Chosen Series is a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan/Maul series by Brenda Antrim. It has four parts: Bound, Broken, Trials and Balance.

Summary: "The Chosen series: Four contiguous, very alternate universe stories. Series rated NC17 for adult themes, violence and sexuality. In Bound (Kenobi/Maul), Jabba the Hutt has some unusual allies, and even more unusual captives. It's an explosive combination. In Broken, Jinn brings Kenobi home to heal. All hell breaks loose. Literally. In Trials (Kenobi/Jinn), Kenobi tries to prove himself. The victors enjoy the spoils. The hunt continues. Finally, in Balance (Kenobi/Maul), Good fights Evil in a rather unusual way, and resolution is reached. Of a sort."

Recs and Reviews

If you're interested in something darker, something elusive, something more sinister, read Bren Antrim's The Chosen Series.[1]

Plain Old Rape PM: Bound, by Brenda Antrim, is a dark alternative to The Phantom Menace, where there’s no one that Obi-wan can rely on, and Jabba and Darth Maul relish his pain and fear ("Maul’s world condensed to a single point of contact surrounded by a pulsating battle in the Force. His hands on the Jedi’s hips, his pelvis crushing into the soft flesh, every slap of their skin together drawing a hiss from himself and a whisper of pain from the Jedi."). Now finished! The final series is four stories, continued in Broken, Trials, and Balance.[2]


  1. ^ Rosa's Recs. Fandom du Jour, via Wayback: 05 March 2001. (Accessed 26 November 2015)
  2. ^ Sandy Herrold. Issues of Consent: Sandy’s mostly "Slash Without Consent" link page, via Wayback. (Accessed 10 November 2019)