The Dangling Prussian

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Title: The Dangling Prussian
Publisher: Brad Keefauver (Club Affiliation: The Montague Street Incorrigibles) & Amateur Press Association
Editor(s): Brad Keefauver (Club Affiliation: The Montague Street Incorrigibles)
Date(s): February 1985 - February 1991 (Old Series), September 1991 - April 1998 (New Series)
Series?: yes
Medium: print
Genre: (gen)
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes
Language: English
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The Dangling Prussian is an anthology of self-insertion fiction, Sherlockian topics, art, poetry, needlepoint patterns and more. Its second incarnation is an APAzine.

"The Montague Street Incorrigibles started out as a corresponding scion society that met fictionally. Members would send their comments and discussions into the editor who would weave them into a fictional tale of the meeting that all the distant membership would have together at the Dangling Prussian, a pub where it was always 1895 that they got to via a mysterious time-travelling hansom cab (in the tales of the meetings). Issues often came to members with some sort of trinket inside that was an artifact from their fictional meeting. Done before the days of scanners and OCR, this version required a lot of re-typing by the editor, who finally changed it to an Amateur Press Association in 1991 and let the members do their own typing. Fictional adventures at the Dangling Prussian, in which Sherlockians and Canoncial characters met and mingled, were mixed with columns on a variety of Sherlockian topics, art, poetry, needlepoint patterns -- whatever the membership sent in for a given issue." [1]