The Last Time We Saw Bodie

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The Professionals Fanfiction
Title: The Last Time We Saw Bodie
Author(s): Linda Terrell
Date(s): 1991
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Professionals
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The Last Time We Saw Bodie is a slash Professionals story by Linda Terrell. It was illustrated by Suzan Lovett.

art for this story from "Chalk and Cheese" #8, artist is Suzan Lovett
art for this story from "Chalk and Cheese" #8, artist is Suzan Lovett

It was published in Chalk and Cheese #8.

Author's Comments

Comment from the author in Chalk and Cheese #9: "The Suzi Lovett illos capture just what I was feeling when I wrote this and I didn't see them until I opened this zine. *sigh*"

Responding to a fan's comment that Terrell should write more "heavy" stories like this one, Terrell wrote in Chalk and Cheese #10:

In ending, I'd like to thank Kathy S. for her kind remarks on my writing and urging me to write more "power" stories. But does she have any idea of how hard it is to write stories like "Last Time We Saw Bodie"? I cried when I wrote that. I hurt for Doyle every word I wrote. I even put off writing the ending for days because I knew it would hurt. I can't maintain that level of emotion nor do I want to. So "power" stories will come from me only occasionally, I guess. I have to want to write one.

Reactions and Reviews

In a way, there's little point in bothering to praise Suzi's work because it's so consistently wonderful that any story is inevitably enhanced by her pictures. At any rate, the story was good, too. I just read it first because the illos grabbed me as I was thumbing through the zine when I pulled it out of the mailbox. I realized, of course, early in the story just where it was probably leading. *sigh* It was a real gut-wrencher. Not that I'm complaining, mind you! [1]

I loathed the basic idea of "The Last Time We Saw Bodie" so much that I'm afraid I cannot judge it fairly and will not even try.[2]

I also enjoyed Linda Terrell's "The Last Time He saw Bodie" very much. It was a powerful story, again enhanced by Suzan's art. Working with the characters as they are presented in the show, if not always the fanfic, I think it followed all of the characters through to a logical conclusion if Cowley had been butchered in the manner described. I don't always like some of Linda's storylines, but they are always well-written. This was no exception. I would like to see her concentrate her efforts on serious, powerful stories because she has the skill to carry them through. Previous stories seemed a little light weight ...[3]

Linda Terrell's "The Last Time He Saw Bodie" was very powerful and terribly sad. I could imagine it happening like that if Cowley bought it in the manner described.[4]

This story was so good, I actually went back to check the byline and confirm who wrote it. Suzy Lovett illos, and it's very good. [5]

Where you're not quite sure what's been happening or is going to happen until about a page or 2 from the end? I like that one very much, and you know how easily all my wrong buttons get pushed by LT. It was a "good" death story, in the sense that it had an inevitable and therefore "happy" ending. It falls into the

"Of Mice and Men" plotline, which is always good for angst. Come to think, "Of Mice and Men" is pretty slashy all by itself (the movie more so than the book). [6]


  1. ^ from Chalk and Cheese #9
  2. ^ from Chalk and Cheese #9
  3. ^ from Chalk and Cheese #9
  4. ^ from Chalk and Cheese #9
  5. ^ comment by Megan Kent from Virgule-L, quoted with permission (Jul 30, 1993)
  6. ^ comment from Virgule-L, quoted anonymously (Jul 30, 1993)