The Magician's Apprentice

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Title: The Magician's Apprentice
Publisher: Rainbow Dragon Press, AMC Press, then Agent With Style
Author(s): Rushlight
Cover Artist(s): TACS
Date(s): 2000, 2002
Medium: online, print
Size: 72,500 words; 92 pages
Genre: slash, fantasy AU
Fandom: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
External Links: The Magician's Apprentice (The Bard's Den)
Publisher's Fanzine Page

The Magician's Apprentice index page
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The Magician's Apprentice is a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan 92-page fantasy AU written by Rushlight.

It was published online in 2000, and in print form in 2002.

It has a sequel, The Dragon War Chronicles.


From an unknown source:

In an alternate universe of sorcery and dragons, a young man sets out to find a Master to train him in the ways of Magic. Explores the glory and magic of the world of dragons as seen through the eyes of magician Qui-Gon and his apprentice, Obi-Wan.

From Star Wars Zine Bibliography:

Obi-Wan Kenobi has traveled far to the capital city to request that the great mage, Qui-Gon Jinn, accept him as an apprentice and teach him to control his power in the magic. Persuaded to open his heart to the young man, Qui-Gon reluctantly agrees to train Obi-Wan. When news of a ravaged countryside reaches the capital, Qui-Gon knows that they will need al the power the magic can provide as well as the help of an ancient dragon to save the city from the certain destruction that impending war will bring. And Obi-Wan brings an unusual ability with him to aid the cause.

From the print zine:

I have always been fascinated by stories about dragons and magic. To me, there is an almost primeval beauty to these subjects, a wonder that harks back to what the very first people who walked upon the world must have felt when they looked up into the heavens and tried to make sense of what they saw there. A sense of mystery so profound that only children and philosophers can ever really understand it.:)

Which is why I couldn't resist the urge to Join my dragons with my second great love. Star Wars. The Force has always seemed a little like magic to me, so it was t o really no great stretch to adapt it to this new universe. Once that connection was made, the story just about wrote itself. I want to thank all of my wonderful artists for the incredible work that they've done here. It has been such a treat to see my vision brought to life this way. And to Kari, my publisher, without whom none of this would have been possible. Thanks, guys, for a job well done.

As for the rest of it, I hope that you, gentle reader, enjoy reading this story as much as I've enjoyed writing it. Feedback is appreciated as always, for writer and artists and publisher alike. So drop us a note to let us know what you think of our efforts. And hopefully you'll get to bring something out of this, some part of that child-like wonder that I remember from when I was a young girl. A sense of delight and mystery to liven up the otherwise humdrum monotony of lives that too often leave the wonder of childhood behind.

Come, my friends. Magic awaits.


The story has four parts:

Online Version: 2000

Twenty llustrations for the story can be found in The Bard's Den Art Gallery -- 6 illos by ALmkkr, 8 illos by Alex, 4 illos by Barbara, and 2 illos by TACS (color and b/w, the color version was used as zine cover art).

NOTE: Not all of the illustrations online are in the print zine.

Print Fanzine: 2002

The story was published as a print fanzine in 2002. It has a color cover by TACS. The zine contains fifteen interior illos (six are in color).

It has 6 illos by Almkkr, 5 illos by Alex, 4 illos by Barbara, 2 illos by Jayne Hundt, and 1 illo by Joceyln.

Note: the print zine contains less, and some different, artwork than the online version.

Recs and Reviews

The hate I have for this story is so great. I'm recing it becuz it is a good read strong characterizations and description. It's much like read a good fantasy novel only with scrolling instead of page turning. The thing is I hate this Obi-Wan hate him with fiery burning passion of ten thousand exploding suns.....On the other hand I love Qui-Gon he is just so awesome. Obi-Wan is telling the story but it is a good story told very well. It's also a long story a very longggg story but it pulls you in and keep you interested so it gets rec even though I want to strangle this Obi-Wan and feed him to the hounds of the underworld. The hate I have for Boaen is indescribable. I really don't like the way sex is used in this fic but I have learned that what bothers me doesn't bother the majority of people so don't let my dislike turn you away this is a very well write story and that characters are so real you can hate them..or love them.[1]


  1. ^ iatethebunny in furious_words. Star Wars - Perfection Is Flawed, 09 February 2007. (Accessed 26 November 2015)