The Martyr (Space: 1999 story)

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Title: The Martyr
Author(s): Kerry Keene
Date(s): 1970s?
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Space:1999
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The Martyr is a Space: 1999 story by Kerry Keene.

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[Takes place] over 3250 days after leaving Earth orbit--Jackie Crawford is eight and a half, Cynthia appears, Jackie being eight and a half means that this story takes place at least nine years after the first season--theoretically 2007! Maya is married to Tony; John is married to Helena. Victor is in this story---so this is an alternate from the universe where he died. Frank Philips and Susan Nelson are Helena's technicians. Nurses Nancy Jennings and Jerry Towers. Pete Irving appears. David Kano appears. Pete Garforth. Alien Tyrotus is of the Stannosian race on the planet Stannos--he claims and he may be a hitman sent to Landura but he refused to carry out his mission--which made the Council of his planet angry. Yandr Fal of the Council arrives to take him back. The alien destroys himself on his way back to the Council ship. Maya goes to the old conference room in Main Mission which is not used any more.[1]


  1. ^ SPACE: 1999 CHRONOLOGY, Archived version, by Chase, March 25, 2008