The New Deal (Suits fic)

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Title: The New Deal
Author(s): Closer
Date(s): 2011-10-30 (initial publishing)
2011-11-11 (published to AO3)
Length: 33,512 words
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Suits
External Links: link at AO3
link to Suits meme

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The New Deal by Closer is a Mike & Harvey story initially written as an answer to a Suits Meme prompt.[1] It's an AU, where "Harvey Specter, second year law student at Harvard, was walking home one night when he found a teenaged runaway named Mike freezing to death on his doorstep."[2]

Works Inspired by the fic

Reactions and Reviews

GAH!!! First Suits story I've read that doesn't contain slash! This fills me with wondrous fuzzy feelings & I've no idea what to do with them! This was amazing & I can't imagine a better outcome from the cards this AU Mike was dealt with... Thanks for posting this beautiful, heartwarming story! :)[3]

Absolutely amazing!! Beyond words is how great this was! Usually I am a huge Marvey shipper who usually stays away from family stories.. But the idea of this.. The prompt and how it turned out.. Amazing! Personally I have a little sister who is 13yrs under me and whom I have practically raised and would do anything for! I can relate to this in a way and I love how well Harvey took on the responsibility and never looked back or thought twice. Very well written! Massive kudos to you! XD[4]

That is one of the most powerful stories I have ever read. I am blown away by how you show their relationship, different from the other AUs but still recognizably springing from who they are. Your other (not Harvey, Mike, or Jessica) characters are great, too! I could just feel they were real, complex, people, not just brought in to complete the plot. Plus the way you drop little background details into the plot really fleshes out their world The pacing is just right. And as with all your stories... so much love, and love triumphs; this story just gives me such joy. I cannot thank you enough for writing this!!!! I know this story was posted 3 years ago, are you working on anything currently, fanfic - even if not in this 'verse, or maybe your own novels?[5]

I don't even watch Suits, and I just devoured this. All I know about the show is the basic premise, but this? Makes me want to watch ALL OF IT. RIGHT NOW. Only I'm sort of afraid I'm going to be disappointed because it won't be this. So. Thank you so much for an amazing read, you're awesome and I can't believe how great that was. Really, I am now thinking of this as an original short story (because let's face it, change the names and it IS an original) and I'm putting it in my favourites and my bookmarks list and I'm re-reading it, like, now. Thanks again! Awesome-sauce, and you win the internet! ... and I hope you're written other things, because as soon as I post this I'm going looking. :) Cheers![6]

Well life is a strange place to be : This was the first story I have read in Suits fanfic ever. I don't even know where I found it, I was not into AO3 yet. I absolutely adored it, it goes without saying...Hell I can write a paper on how many different aspects of this story I love! I think that the main one is of course the perfect voices of Harvey and Mike. They feel real and their true selves...with all their quirks and small details that we love and with even more that fit perfectly with the rest.

After reading your story I plundged into this fandom where I had the chance to read some trully amazing pieces and I have to thank you for that because if this story had not felt so right I would have quit before even starting: I am a terrible purist ( I even consider my Harvey/Mike canon!!! I know I am weird...). Here I am today, after going through almost everything there is out there on this fandom, revisiting your story once more...a little apprehensive that it might have lost some of its first time charm and I am amazed because it is as perfect as it was the first time!

I want to thank you for this and ...( I know this is just me...but I can totally see those two spending their life together...)[7]


  1. ^ suits kink meme prompt thread, accessed March 7, 2015
  2. ^ Official story summary.
  3. ^ comment, accessed March 7, 2015
  4. ^ comment, accessed March 7, 2015
  5. ^ comment, accessed March 7, 2015
  6. ^ comment, accessed March 7, 2015
  7. ^ comment, accessed March 7, 2015