The Sensual World

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Title: The Sensual World
Publisher: Mkashef Enterprises
Editor(s): Dovya Blacque
Date(s): 2001-2007
Medium: print
Fandom: The Sentinel
Language: English
External Links:
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The Sensual World is a slash Sentinel anthology.

Origin of the Title

From the first issue:

"Stepping out of the page,
into the sensual world
Stepping out --
To where the water
and the earth caress--"
Kate Bush - The Sensual World

Sample Submission Request


1--I mostly want "love stories" so I ask for the following things:

2-No undue or gratuitous violence

3-No rape if avoidable and, really, what rape isn't avoidable in fiction?

4-No "partner betrayal" if avoidable

5-Hurt/Comfort is fine if not taken to an extreme (if you have specific questions about this one, ask me and I can expand on it)

6-I prefer to have an author's full name, not just a pen name, but that is not mandatory and is completely confidential

7-I require a physical mailing address.


1-I edit.

2-That means I line-edit for punctuation, grammar, spelling and continuity;

3-I edit for characterization which means characters must be recognizable as those from the show you're writing;

4-I edit for plot and will make appropriate suggestions where needed for clarification, etc.

5-I prefer to use the "track changes" feature in Word so please let me know if you can not use this feature - if you're not on Word, for example or don't like to use the feature.

6-I'm an extremely easy editor to work with; I always listen to my authors and respect them enough to let them have the last word if it's not a matter of punctuation, grammar, spelling or continuity (of course, grammar doesn't apply to idiosyncratic speech patterns written into the character(s) on the show including slang and such).

7-Stories published in any of my zines may be posted on-line after a period of one year from publication, not from the time of submission. And I ask that credit be given to the title of the zine in which the story first appeared. [1]

Another submission request:

Stories must include an emotional and/or physical relationship between Jim Ellison and Blair Sandburg. No other pairings will be considered for this anthology.

1-No "alternate universe" stories, please. Only stories involving the characters within the reality created by the show. This does not mean they cannot be moved out of Cascade! Send them on vacation, have then attend a conference in another city, send them on a case out of town... whatever. Just no "elves" or "past lives", etc, please!

2-Try to keep the characters as true to the show as possible. Consider what each man would or wouldn't say before having them say it!

3-All fiction must be typed, double-spaced, on 8 1/2 x11 paper and your name and address MUST appear on the first page of the story.

4-Submissions via e-mail or disk only are NOT acceptable; if you choose to submit via disk, you MUST include a hard copy of your story. No fiction submissions via e-mail will be accepted.

5-If you submit hard copy only, please let me know if you are able to also send a disk at a future date.[2]

Issue 1

The Sensual World 1 was published in May 2001 and contains 200 pages. The cover art is by Jean Kluge and interior art is by Alayne, Geli, Suse, Ingela and Sa.

cover of issue #1, Jean Kluge -- "Courtship Ritual"
An example of differing definitions of explicitness; the cover of "The Sensual World" #1 offered on eBay in 2018 showed two men touching lips. A a fig leaf was bestowed upon it as it was deemed by its seller as too explicit to show to a general audience.

From the editorial:

Hi there. I'm Dovya Blacque. Some readers may be familiar with me but, as this is my first foray into the world of "The Sentinel", many may not. So, let me tell you a little bit about myself...

Beginning with Star Trek and, in particular, K/S (Kirk/Spock), I've been involved in fandom in one way or another for twenty years. I've been writing for more than twenty years — writing "/" before I ever heard of the concept or of zines. Or of fandom itself. I've been publishing "/" zines for seventeen years. In that time, I've published eighty-one zines and eleven issues of a semi-professional erotic vampire publication. My press, Mkashef Enterprises, is home to an additional one hundred and fifty-odd zines. In other words, I'm an old hand at this zine editing thing.

Personally, I've written, well, far too many stories to count, to be honest I've written over one hundred K/S stories and, in the past ten years or so, branched out into such fandoms as Miami Vice and Wiseguy. More recently, I've strayed into Stargate SG-1 and The Sentinel with the occasional side trip into what might be called The Twilight Zone" of fandom, dabbling here and there in strange and, sometimes, never-before slashed genres.

Through all my meandering through various fandoms, I've not really come across the remarkably high quality of writing I'd found in K/S. Until I found The Sentinel fan fic on-line. I was blown away by some of the talent that's out there. While a few of my favorite writers are strictly on-line folks, I did manage to bribe a few into submitting to TSW including Akablonded, Lily, Gena Fisher and McLara & Skyline. I also dragged Starr Copeland over from my multi-media zine, "Dyad", to contribute here. Oh, and I contributed a little bit myself.

I am honored and humbled to have the magnificent artwork which appears in TSW. I bow to the glory that is Jean Kluge (who did the most gorgeous cover for my Beauty & The Beast zine years ago!) and Geli (for whom my admiration knows no bounds). Marry, many cyber-kisses and eternal gratitude to Sa, Suse and Ingela for their generous contributions as well. And to the lovely poets: the extremely patient and understanding Susan Sicafoosh; my ever-faithful, ever-brilliant Khylara; and my old friend, J.B. Morgan. Without any one of these talented people, this zine wouldn't exist.

I want to add one more "thank you" to my dear friend, and possibly the best fan writer I've ever known. Lemon Drop. You have inspired and encouraged me, guided and cheered me in ways too numerous to count. "Lodestone" would not have ever been "right" without you. You are the Writing Goddess!

A quick note about the tattoo art that accompanies "Vertical Orientation": it is a "flash" I created for my friend, G.M., who wears it on his upper left arm and allowed me to print it here on the grounds that I acknowledged it as his! Yes, in real life, I am a tattoo artist.

To all my readers, I'd love to hear what you think of this zine. I hope to do more issues but that will depend on whether you want to read them. It also depends on all you writers submitting! So, let me hear from you. You can either write to the snail mail address on the title page or e-mail me at the addy below.

Now... on with the show!

  • Standing Outside The Fire by McLara & Skyline ("Jim approaches the age of 40 with trepidation and a little help from a friend.") (10 pages)
  • Home by Akablonded ("Blair redefines the concept of home.") (3 pages)
  • Caesura by Lily ("There’s a new song to Jim Ellison’s life, a song he doesn't understand until it's gone.") (21 pages)
  • Vertical Orientation by Dovya Blacque ("Thinking a 3-week job teaching in San Diego is the perfect opportunity, Blair gets a tattoo.") (15 pages)
  • A Common Gravity by Dovya Blacque ("Blair has a hair melt-down and Jim is faced with saving his Guide's treasured look and his sanity.) (32 pages)
  • Ms. Sandburg by Starr Copeland ("Jim has a very intimate problem and no idea how to solve it. So, left with no other options, he consults his Guide.") (15 pages)
  • Lodestone by Dovya Blacque Lodestone ("Blair has been a cop for two years and Jim is just beginning to notice some significant changes in him when Naomi becomes seriously ill.") (54 pages)
  • The Hired Man by Gena Fisher ("An irked Carolyn reveals secrets about her soon-to-be ex-husband causing unwanted attention for Jim Ellison along with not a few threats. So, William Ellison hires a most unusual bodyguard for his eldest son.") (40 pages)
  • poetry by Khylara, Susan Sicafoosh, J.B. Morgan, and others

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

This is a good zine, story and illustration wise. It is heavily illustrated with a wide variety of images and I have enjoyed most of the stories, very much.

Standing Outside the Fire, by McLara & Skyline. Jim is hitting 40 and is grumpy. Blair gives him a surprise for his birthday. First time story.

Home, by akablonded. I could swear I have read this before on the net. A shorty by one of my fav authors. My only grip about it is that it is waaay too short.

Caesura by Lily. My FAVORITE STORY in the zine and of a fairly long length. Clever, well written and creative. I loved the whole concept of the story. A first time story. I don't want to even give a summary because that would spoil the story line, but I was very impressed and highly entertained. I loved it.

Ms. Sandburg, by Starr Copeland. Not what you think and quite humorous to boot. Jim has a problem and Blair helps him relieve it. Also a first time story, well written and sweet and funny and very sexy.

A Common Gravity, by Douya Blacque. Blair hates his hair and wants to cut it off. Jim doesn't want him to and calls upon a friend to get products to help tame the 'brillo-pad' mess. Sounds a bit funky but it is a lot more complicated (and longer) than my simple description--and it works. Another first time story.

Vertical Orientation, by Douya Blacque. Blair gets a tattoo. Fairly formulamatic (is that a word?), but well written and entertaining. A first time story.

Loadstone, by Douya Blacque. This is a long story. Naomi is very sick and Blair inadvertently finds out. He and Jim go to her. I don't think this story can make up its mind as to whether it wants to be a Naomi-is-a-selfish-bitch-story, or a Naomi-sees-the-error-of-her-ways story. I don't like Naomi most of the time, and I did not like her in this story. The story itself was confusing to me. The Jim and Blair interaction was good, Blair had an a epiphany concerning his mom, he grows up a bit, and of course, it was another first time story.

The Hired Man, by Gena Fisher. The only one I haven't read yet. I skimmed it briefly, but since I haven't read it I don't want to say anything about it.

The zine has lots of poetry/prose, but it is interspersed throughout the zine in a manner that did not bother me (I am not a poetry fan), and there were plenty of stories and lots of good reading.

The only bad things were cosmetic: it has a comb bindings that is just a little too small, the exterior cover is thin and not of the best quality (when I got it new in the mail, it had a dirty mark that reflected the paper clip inside holding my receipt) and shows wear way to fast, some of the pages were not punched properly and have already torn. You also have to search to figure out what story you want to read as this is one of those that does not have the title of the story and/or author on each page.

Otherwise, it was some very good reading. [3]

Personally, I recommend it heartily. It's as good as Crossroads IMO even though the editing isn't as extensive. There are some spelling errors and stuff like that in the zine, but I'm willing to overlook such minor things when the stories are so wonderful. [4]

Dovya Blacque (who publishes the zine as well) has been in

the Kirk/Spock fandom for years, and I know she writes very high quality fiction and her stories take up about half of the zine. Most of them are absolutely top notch.

Most of the stories are also first times, which I enjoy more than established relationship. That's probably part of why *I* like some of them so much.

Standing Outside the Fire by MeLara and Skyline.

This is the first story of the zine, that Karen thought was crap, and I agree, it really was crappy. It was full of terrible cliches, the writing was poor, and there was a very high cringe factor, and although the story itself sort of built up for sex, there wasn't any of it in the end.

Home by AKAblonded

Was an OK story. I've read better, but I've certainly read worse. It's a bit...dreamy this story, and I don't like that feeling most of the time. It's also very short.

Caesura by Lily

I don't know how many stories have dealt with music and Jim, but this is a bit different. I kind of like the characterizations in this story and the writing's good. It's dealing with shamanism and if you like that sorta thing you'll enjoy this story.

Ms. Sandburg by Starr Copeland

I was *really* wary of this story due to its title, but boy was I pleasantly surprised. This story is shock full of sexual UST, there's a great, and pretty funny plot (device)? The writer pulls it off although the idea would sound pretty corny if you'd just try to summarize it so I won't, and it's full of humor and sex. The characterizations are pretty darn good IMO.

A Common Gravity by Dovya Blacque

This one's also humorous. Blair's hair is giving him a whole lot of trouble and in a raging fit he threatens to cut it. Since he's told Jim time and time again he's never going to do that, Jim stops him and offers to help. This is the beginning of a search for good hair products and other ideas to help Blair deal with the 'mop'. It's fun and loving and full of intimate, sweet moments between Jim and Blair, without becoming too schmoopy - at least not to me and I'm as allergic to schmoop as the next person.

Vertical Orientation by Dovya Blacque

Fun idea of how to get the boys together. Good characterization, hot sex, good writing and well, Dovya's stuff just *is* very good!

Lodestone by Dovya Blacque

Wonderful story, Blair's mom is ill. Blair's dealing with becoming a real cop. Full of truly wonderful characterizations of Blair, Jim and Naomi. Slow buildup with lots of intimacy between Jim and Blair, not necessarily sexual, but intimate moments. And there is erotica as well. Good stuff.

The Hired Man by Gena Fisher

Blair's Jim's bodyguard. Okay story, okay idea, okay characterization, but not really anything out of the ordinary.

And that's about it for the zine.

As for Sentinel poetry, I gotta say that nothing in this zine really grabbed me although there were a couple of them that were good. The thing about poetry in fandom is often that it's too generic. I've had this same discussion in the K/S fandom and the thing is that when I read poetry - whether it is Kirk/Spock, Jim/Blair or whoever, it's got to be obvious that the poetry is about the boys we love. If not - what's the point. Then it's just poetry and often really bad poetry. It has to have emotional impact. That's a whole lot more important to me than stanzas, rhymes or whatever. But, of course, that's just my opinion. [5]

Issue 2

cover of issue #2, Geli
inside art from issue #2, by Acrimony. "Although I normally do not print "manipulated" art, Acri's is too lovely (not to mention it fit my story, "That Face", perfectly!) to pass up. And, without Acri's art, there would be no art other than Geli's gorgeous cover and I really hate no interior art work. Thanks, guys!" -- from the editor
sample text from issue #2

The Sensual World 2 was published in June 2002 and contains 208 pages and a cover by Geli. It contains one piece of art.

  • A Different Choice by Dovya Blacque ("What if Jim had reacted differently to Blair’s dissertation being leaked to the public? A different take on TSbyBS.")
  • A Golden Opportunity by Dolimir ("Grad student Blair Sandburg’s fictional novel about a designer drug called “Golden” turns out to not only be based on facts of which he had no knowledge, but marks everyone who’s read it as a target. Detective Jim Ellison, working on a Golden-related death case with Vice, comes face-to-face with the young man who has encountered more trouble in one day than he’d experienced in his entire short life.")
  • Business Sense by Gena Fisher ("Global International needs the land owned by the reclusive Jim Ellison, a man who absolutely refuses to sell his precious land. So, figuring he’d have the best chance of dealing with Ellison, Global sends in their resident anthropologist, Blair Sandburg, to talk some sense into the man. An accident, an unexpected meeting and a very large dog figure into a surprising joining of two very different men.")
  • Learning Curve by Dovya Blacque ("It’s Dr. Blair Sandburg’s forty-first birthday and he’s spending it enmeshed in the usual university tasks; meeting the dean for dinner, teaching a new class. Everything seems the same as usual, if a little more depressing, considering what day it is. Until Blair meets one of his new students, a cop on leave from Cascade PD to finish his degree in Criminology. A man nearly ten years Blair’s junior who claims to have heightened senses.")
  • Make Up Sex by Akablonded ("A meditation on the wonder that is Blair Sandburg by a very besotted Jim Ellison.")
  • That Face by Dovya Blacque ("When a short-haired, calmer version of Blair Sandburg appears in front of Jim Ellison’s desk one long day, the facts point in two directions: Blair’s clone has walked into Major Crimes, or the man standing in front of Jim’s desk is Blair’s twin brother.")
  • To Serve & Protect by Garnet ("A meditation on the lack of wonder that was Jim Ellison before Blair Sandburg entered his life… and how that amazing presence has changed him.")
  • Surviving, poem by Garnet
  • Impact, poem by Garnet
  • Learning, poem by Dovya Blacque

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2

See reactions and reviews for A Golden Opportunity.

Issue 3

cover of issue #3, Geli and Alayne
interior art from issue #3, Geli

The Sensual World 3 was published in June 2004 and contains 178 pages. It contains two pieces of interior art by Geli.

  • First Impression by KAM ("In between the cracks of what happened at the end of Switchman.")
  • Foote’s Roost by Dovya Blacque ("An apology picnic turns into more than a simple apology once Jim starts focusing in a bit too much on his guide. A look inside the workings of the distractedly focused, happily jumbled mind of Detective Ellison.")
  • Sharing Secrets by Anne Light ("Spending time with Jim and Blair leads Naomi to a false assumption about their relationship, which Jim overhears. The unwritten code which states ‘You must give your partner shit about things his mother says’ comes into play and some revelations are shared.")
  • A Reason To Kill by Bluewolf ("A gruesome killing leads Detective Sandburg to look to a group of old friends for help, friends he’s known for… centuries. Truths are unmasked and Jim and Blair will never be the same again.")
  • The Shelter Of Your Arms by akablonded ("The shooting of a young police officer has Jim deeply considering his feelings for Blair… who has gone off to regroup, to figure out what he needs to do with his life and the possibility that his life may lead him away from Cascade.")
  • Night Of A Lifetime by Ami ("While waiting to meet an informant, Jim and Blair have the opportunity to discuss things they’ve never discussed before… to learn things about each other they’d never known before.")
  • The Spirit Is Willing by Gena Fisher ("Occult authority Prof. Blair Sandburg arrives at the manor of Mrs. Megan Connor in the wild west of 1873, to join a gathering that includes the unsavory Mr. Lee Brackett, his occultist cohort, Madam Baranov… and Mr. Brackett’s cousin, their unwilling ace-in-the-hole, Mr. James Ellison, who suffers from strange, debilitating “spells” that allow him to speak to the spirits.")
  • Sleeping Weather by afropuff ("Exactly as the title suggests, Jim and Blair sleep in during a rainy day off… or at least they stay in bed.")
  • Troubled Water by Anne Light ("Having finally buried Jack Pendergrast, Jim finds himself revealing things to Blair about his old partner, and about himself, that lead Blair to a new sense of hope.")
  • Good Fortune by Dovya Blacque ("A Fortune Cookie, a strange case, a mild cold, a small storage locker and some new consideration make Jim Ellison a puzzled, but enlightened, boy.")
  • poetry by Khylara, Valaria, Allisa Raven Stark, Lisa Curtis, Sharon Gladstone, Starr Copeland

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3

See reactions and reviews for Sleeping Weather.

Issue 4

cover of issue #4, Alayne
one of two interiors from issue #4, Akablonded

The Sensual World 4 was published in August 2005, contains 196 pages and a color cover by Alayne, two interiors by Akablonded.

  • One Point Shot by Anne Light ("Early on in their relationship, Blair challenges Jim to a one-on-one basketball game. But Jim's hesitant agreement to the match just be a fatal error.
  • Twelve Steps to Insanity by LilyK ("Someone's playing out all the cases that Jim and Blair have worked together. Is this someone taking revenge on Jim? Or is it something. stranger?
  • Potent by Dovya Blacque ("An early day away from the PD has Jim arriving at the loft a little too early. So early in fact, he overhears something he was never, ever meant to overhear.")
  • A Matter of Timing by Legion ("There's something unique about Blair, something one egomaniacal, power-hungry billionaire will do anything and everything to have for his own.")
  • To Guide and Protect by Chris J. Ueberall ("What if the tables were turned between Sentinel Jim Ellison and Guide Blair Sandburg?.")
  • Appointment with Destiny by KAM ("When Detective Ellison witnesses the kidnapping of the Mayor's daughter, but can't remember it due to a head injury, Doctor Blair Sandburg arrives to help him retrieve the lost memories. The two men must overcome their differences and work together to save the girl.")
  • A Dangling Conversation by Dovya Blacque ("Jim and Blair are arguing. They've been arguing for days. Trouble is, neither knows what the argument is about and neither can stop it.")
  • Family Ties by Anne Light ("Naomi's visit left more repercussions than Jim had realized. She's said something to Blair and Blair won't tell him what it was but, whatever was said, it's caused a change in his friend. and he's determined to figure out what and why.")
  • poetry by Valaria, C.J. Ueberall, Rolaine and Dovya Blacque

Issue 5

cover of issue #5, Suzan Lovett -- it is titled "Sound" and adapted from original art in Suzan Lovett's Sense Series

The Sensual World 5 was published in May 2007 and has cover art by Suzan Lovett and interior art by L.A. Adolf and Romanse.

  • Taking Care by Anne Light ("When Blair interferes in Jim's life one too many times, the sentinel not only bristles, he finds a new understanding of his guide.
  • The Tongues of Angels by Dovya Blacque ("Disrupted sleep caused by too many horrible cases gets to both sentinel and guide, but Blair has an insight to Jim's dreams, because Jim's been talking in his sleep.
  • Endurance by Rae Evans ("Blair's into a little sex play with some mysterious person.")
  • Star Child by Workaholic ("Were Jim and Blair truly meant to be together? It could be written in the stars.")
  • Visions in Time by LilyK ("Blair's having visions that make him sick. Jim's adamant about getting him help, Blair's just as adamant that he needs the visions to solve their current case.")
  • Web of Deceit by KAME ("A professor of Blair's has to cancel his trip and offers it to Blair instead; a trip to Las Vegas.")
  • Epiphanies by Theresa Kyle ("Carolyn comes to the loft to be interviewed by Blair for his paper.")
  • Damaged Goods by Natalie L ("In a world in which sentinels and guides are an ordinary part of society, Jim loses his guide and goes searching for another.")
  • At Twice the Price by Dovya Blacque ("A not-so-happy surprise awaits Jim and Blair in the morning paper; they've tied as Cascade's number one choice for Most Eligible Bachelor.")
  • poetry by Starr Copeland, Adina Gallant and Serene Knoweles

Issue 6

The Sensual World 6 was published in 2009 and contains 204 pages. It has a cover by Lupe Backe. Additional work by Starr Copeland, L.A. Adolf, Natalie L. and Jade Bryce. Art by akablonded and L.A. Adolf.

cover of issue #6, Lupe Backe
  • The Sweetest Kiss by Raine Wynd ("On Valentine's Day, Blair receives a HUGE surprise from his roommate.")
  • An Unlikely Friendship by Patt ("An assignment with Connor takes Jim away from his lover for far too long but reveals a connection to Megan Jim hadn't been aware existed.")
  • Burnished Perfection by Alex McLeod ("A weekend away at a luxury home in the forest allows both Jim and Blair to come to interesting - and similar - conclusions about their relationship.")
  • The Godiva Proposition by Natalie L. ("How do you raise money for a good cause? Why trap Blair into doing something no one else will, of course.")
  • What You Fear by Kaelana ("Blair takes some unusual steps to get his partner's attention.")
  • Change of Scenery by Kayjay ("While healing from a gunshot wound, Jim spends time in Santa Cruz, California with Blair while the younger man takes part in a new teaching position.")
  • Heartlight by Theresa Kyle ("In an attempt to clarify the furor over his admission that he committed fraud, Blair gives an interview to People [Magazine], an interview that is more than a little revealing to Jim.")


  1. ^ submission request for a proposed seventh issue, posted to Prospect-L, February 27, 2011 "Please pass this information on if desired. Thanks!"
  2. ^ from a flyer printed in Dyad #20
  3. ^ by Allisan Rekrula at Destinies Entwined; archive link
  4. ^ comment on Prospect-L, quoted anonymously (June 2001)
  5. ^ from Prospect-L, quoted anonymously (June 2001)