The Shield Brothers

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Title: The Shield Brothers
Author(s): Maygra de Rhema
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Highlander
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The Shield Brothers is a Highlander story by Maygra de Rhema.

Reactions and Reviews

Fannish confession time. Long ago, in the days when I read only HL and XF gen, I would have been embarrassed to admit I liked or read slash. I couldn't imagine writing it, either. But...then I happened upon Maygra's Duncan/Methos story "Brotherhood". I was stunned by the emotional impact it had on me. I stopped reading halfway thru, because slash (and violence) made me uncomfortable, but I went back, and back again, and finally I read it all. Lo, these many years later, I still remember every plot point, and it's a favorite of mine. Such is the power of an excellent writer, who can write works that resonate and define a fandom, and Maygra is that kind of writer. And btw, it's all Maygra's fault -- indirectly, she started my conversion to the slashy side. This series of stories is my favorite of all her works for sentimental reasons.[1]
