The Space Museum

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Title: The Space Museum
Publisher: Andrew Byford
Date(s): early 1980s
Medium: print
Size: A4
Fandom: Doctor Who
Language: English
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The Space Museum is a Doctor Who non-fiction zine. There are at least five issues.

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Issue 5

The Space Museum was published in 1981.

cover of issue #5
This the fifth issue begins with editorial stating the lowering of the cover price to 40p and an increase in page count to 52 pages! A rare case in those early days of fanzines, which was, at the time a costly exercise to produce.

This issue mainly reviewed the 18th season of Doctor Who, THE LEISURE HIVE, STATE OF DECAY, WARRIORS' GATE, THE KEEPER OF TRAKEN and LOGOPOLIS. All reviewed by Tim Westmacott, with dialogue extracts to accompany them. Several television snaps, which was the only way to illustrate the series at the time, were also included. Not very well produced but easy to make out from which scenes they illustrated but nevertheless, far better than some of the illustrations contained within.

The NEWS & INFORMATION section included an obituary to Ron Grainer who had died on the 22nd February of that year; news of DJ John Peel, mentioning the 'B' side of The Human League's 'Boys and Girls' entitled 'Tom Baker' which included a reproduction of the cover and described as " bears more than a passing resemblance to the Doctor Who theme though it is far removed ( in the style of 'Ultravox' ) from Peter Howell's arrangement as his is from the original." and came recommended! Also in the musical theme, the article included news of " 'The Mothmen' from an album of the same name and is called 'Tardis'. As one would expect, it includes passages which try to mimic the dematerialisation sound of the TARDIS, although the result is rather vague and impressionistic and is completely divorced from everything which ever came out of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop."

Other features included, BLACKPOOL '80 with a selection of photos from the said exhibition; REMEMBER WHEN... which featured Radio Times cuttings from 'Terror of the Autons' and 'The Mind of Evil' and a short piece of fiction by Tim Westmacott entitled RACE OF THE DALEKS.

Although the fanzine focused mainly on Doctor Who, this issue did include SPACE Andrew Byford. A look at the television production of THE HITCH HIKERS GUIDE TO THE GALAXY. [1]
