The Whispers Series

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Title: Whispers Series
Author(s): Maldoror
Date(s): 2003
Fandom(s): Gundam Wing
External Links: At GW Fanworkrecs; at A Little Piece of Gundam Wing; at GW Addiction at AO3

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The Whispers Series by Maldoror is a series of six arcs and one side story from the Gundam Wing fandom in which the two main characters--Duo Maxwell and Heero Yuy--explore their developing relationship during the struggles against OZ. Written in 2003, it appropriates a common GW fanfiction trope in which the five main pilots live together in a series of safe-houses while conducting guerrilla-style offensives under the guidance of their scientist handlers, but rather than using this as the basis for a domestic romance, Maldoror emphasizes the details of the Gundam pilots' jobs, through which Duo and Heero slowly transform the basis of their relationship. The series is renowned for its characterization of Duo as a dangerously intelligent individual, bucking the what was then the common fanon view of Duo as a silly joker.

Sample recs and reviews

These are only a few sample reviews; the series itself was widely disseminated through GW archives in the mid-2000s as its popularity spread.

  • "Words cannot describe this fic. I have never read an author who writes a more realistic Duo. Instead of a whiny submissive Duo Maldoror captures the true deadly nature of Duo and Heero. Absolutely stunning work! Best fic I have ever read." Whispered Words Slash Recommendations Database
  • "I like this take on 1x2/2x1 - Duo is a joker, but not stupid, and Heero is cold, but not abusive. Both are dangerous....The author is really good at making both of the boys individuals." moshimoshimushi anime and manga fanfiction recs
  • "While I'm normally not a fan of the portrayal of Heero as 'the perfect solider,' these fics grabbed me and wouldn't let me go. Maldoror pulls off a Heero, that while driven by logic, reason and a strict indoctrination, is still at his core very human. Plus, her Duo is not an incompetent, nor a whiny hormonal driven high school girl. He actually understands the consequences and responsibilities of being in a relationship with Heero....It is the fascinating dynamic between Duo and Heero that takes center stage and makes this well worth the read." theElementsReviewed
  • "The characterization in this is just fantastic; this is everything I could ask for in a GW fic....I just can't stress enough how much I love the characterization of them in this. The other pilots, while not as involved in the story, are done wonderfully as well (watch for the last arc on that count, especially; and I must say, I have never seen a 'series of misunderstandings' bit done anywhere near that well). This's got humour, angst, drama, romance, and action aplenty, as well as a take on the psychology of the pilots that I absolutely adore. Good stuff! Be sure to check out Maldoror's other stories as well." Pandora's Box fanfiction recommendations archive
  • "I think this is the first characterization of Heero I've ever seen where his thought processes are very much computer oriented, and by that I mean very strict, very controlled, very 'does not compute,' and yet he's still very obviously human....There is a major lack of fanon in Whispers. While Duo jokes around, there's no doubt he's a highly intelligent person who's more than qualified for the position of a gundam pilot. Quatre's a strong young man who, while still feeling things strongly, is a capable warrior who won't let people walk all over him. And the lack of fanon continues with Trowa and Wufei - they have wonderful characterizations. The last arc in this series is very humourous, and Maldoror does a very good job of weaving a plot about misunderstandings and miscommunication without going overboard with the pilots' reactions." [email protected]