Things That Matter Too Much To Say Any Way But Lightly

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Title: Things That Matter Too Much To Say Any Way But Lightly
Author(s): somehowunbroken
Date(s): 20 March 2011
Length: 13,425 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Things That Matter Too Much To Say Any Way But Lightly (LJ)

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Things That Matter Too Much To Say Any Way But Lightly is a Steve/Danny story by somehowunbroken.

Summary: Written for the stevedannoslash After Holidays Prompt Fest. The prompt: A/U. Steve is raising his daughter Grace alone; he left the SEALs to care for her after her mother was killed. He was never with her mother; Steve always knew he was gay, but was trying to be straight to please his father. Grace was the result of Steve's only night with a woman. Danny transferred to the HPD after his wife/child were killed in a mob hit in NJ; he needed to get as far away from the memories as possible. He ends up working on Steve's task force, but has a hard time seeing Steve and Grace together. It doesn't take long for Steve to fall in love with Danny, but he's too scared to do anything about it. Danny doesn't want to feel anything anymore, but is still drawn to Steve. Grace decides to take matters in to her own hands, and make the family she's always wanted. I got to a fair bit of the prompt, but you kind of have to turn your head a bit sideways and squint to see the last bit - sorry!

Recs and Reviews

Why we love it:This is a wonderful AU in which Steve is Grace's father, not Danny. Danny came to Hawaii to get away from his old life after the death of his own wife and daughter. Getting to watch the guys (and Grace) help heal each other and create a new family makes this fic a gorgeous read.[1]
