To Absent Friends

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Title: To Absent Friends
Author(s): Maidenjedi
Date(s): 2002
Genre(s): Skinner/Reyes UST
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: online here

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To Absent Friends is an X-Files story by Maidenjedi.

Reactions and Reviews

Okay, so yes, I 'ship Monica Reyes with just about everybody *but* Doggett. ;-) In my defense, the D/R 'ship always felt like a cheap copy of the MSR to me and I thought the characters deserved better. So I've always loved this USTy little bonding piece between Monica and Skinner. It's set after "This is Not Happening," with Skinner grieving for a lost friend and Reyes providing what comfort she can. Short, but sweet. This doesn't cover all the non-MSR pairings out there by a long shot, or even all the fanfic out there for these (well, except possibly in one or two cases... *g*) but they are my favorite stories for some of my favorite pairings. :-) Hope those of you who decide to give them a chance enjoy them as much as I do.[1]


  1. ^ het reccers, October 2009