To Hunger for Mercy

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Title: To Hunger for Mercy
Publisher: Requiem Publications
Author(s): Jeanne Marie Sosa
Cover Artist(s):
Illustrator(s): Elfqueen, Jazzbat, Nicci Mac, Karracaz and Arminaa
Date(s): October 2011
Medium: print, CD and downloadable PDF
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
External Links: available at the K/S Archive
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.
cover of #1, uncredited on publisher's website
cover of #2. Artist: Arminaa

To Hunger for Mercy is a full-sized Star Trek: TOS slash AU novel in two volumes.

The combined word count for both volumes is about 248,000 words; the first volume is 262 pages and the second on is 204 pages.

The pairings are Jim Kirk/Gary Mitchell and Kirk/Spock.

The art is by Elfqueen, Jazzbat, Nicci Mac, Karracaz and Arminaa.

There are warnings for this zine on the publisher's website.


From the publisher: "After his long and relatively happy marriage to Gary Mitchell begins to fall apart, James Kirk realises that he's falling - hard - for his Teaching Assistant... a young Vulcan named Spock. However, after thirty-two astounding years together as friends, lovers, co-commanders, and spouses, Jim finds it hard to let go of what he and Gary Mitchell-Kirk have, even though the bond he feels with Spock touches his very soul. His reputation as a distinguished and intrepid starship commander was legendary, yet away from the limelight and constant acclaim, the personal life of Admiral James T. Kirk seems marked by a powerful and ultimately epic struggle as he becomes inextricably trapped between loyalty and desire."

Sample Interior