To Surmount Obstacles

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: To Surmount Obstacles ("In Conquest")
Author(s): Sharon Pillsbury
Date(s): 1988
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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To Surmount Obstacles is a K/S story by Sharon Pillsbury.

It was published in Charisma #3. It is called "In Conquest" on the publisher's website.


"Kirk is sold into slavery by Ron Tracy after Stonn blocks his memory and when rescued, need Spockʼs help to regain it."

Reactions and Reviews

I don't like slave stories, but this is exceptional in that it's seen at the end that Kirk still has problems from his experiences as a slave. It still bothers me, though, for Kirk to be broken in as a lover of men by his "owner." Ignoring the slave-life parts, which I'm probably not competent to judge, the rest of the story is quite touching. McCoy has a large supporting role, and is very much himself [1]

Another excellent story by Sharon. I think she wrote Kirk very well. He was very much in character although he didn't have his memory. My favorite part was after everything had happened to Kirk and he was back aboard the Enterprise. Now Kirk and Spock have plenty of time to spend together and it's like they can't be separated. Kirk can't believe that the two aren't lovers, although Spock has told them they aren't. The two really get to know one another even better than they did before. Especially when they do become lovers. And having McCoy warn Spock about becoming Kirk's lover before he gets his memory back made the whole thing even more interesting, because I was sitting back saying to myself Jim Kirk wouldn't stop loving Spock just because he got his memory back. Nice to know how well I know my Captain. [2]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #8
  2. ^ from The LOC Connection #12