Total Drama Crack

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Title: Total Drama Crack
Author(s): 1000GreenSun
Date(s): 23 December 2008 - 31 December 2010
Length: 31,956 Words
66 Chapters
Genre(s): Romance/Friendship, Drabble Collection
Fandom(s): Total Drama
External Links: Total Drama Crack [Unable to archive]

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Total Drama Crack is an early popular drabble collection for Total Drama fandom. Its author, 1000GreenSun, also ran Total Drama Island Fanon Club and Total Drama Crack and Fanon Week during the fic's run. Crack pairings encompassed any non-canonical pairing of Total Drama's cast as of Total Drama: Action's airing.

Many pairings were requested by readers, and 1000GreenSun particularly liked Lindsay/Trent and DJ/Eva in particular.

Pairings Featured

Chapter by chapter, they are:

  1. Lindsay/Trent
  2. DJ/Eva
  3. DJ's bunny and Peaches (a beaver owned by 1000GreenSun's OC Lena.)
  4. Ezekiel/Katie
  5. Geoff/Izzy
  6. Chris McLean/Lindsay
  7. Cody/Sadie
  8. Duncan/Gwen (which became canon in World Tour's I See London... episode in 2010.)
  9. Courtney/Noah
  10. Geoff/Gwen
  11. Justin/Leshawna
  12. Heather/Owen
  13. Bridgette/Trent
  14. Izzy/Noah
  15. Beth/Harold
  16. Chef Hatchet/"Surprise!"
  17. Chris McLean/Izzy
  18. Eva/Tyler
  19. Bridgette/Chef Hatchet
  20. DJ/Katie
  21. "10 Years into the Future" (revisits pairings from earlier chapters.)
  22. Cody/Gwen
  23. Bridgette/Duncan
  24. Lindsay/Trent
  25. Gwen/Owen
  26. Beth/Noah
  27. Bridgette/Ezekiel
  28. Chris McLean/Eva
  29. Duncan/Eva
  30. Owen/Sadie
  31. Izzy/Trent
  32. "TDBDGSS: DJ" (stands for "The Total Dramatic Blind Date Game Show," a dating show made for this collection.)
  33. "DJ and the Winner"
  34. "TDBDGSS: Gwen"
  35. "Gwen and her Winner"
  36. Bridgette/Owen
  37. Katie/Trent
  38. Courtney/Trent
  39. Izzy/"the Bear"
  40. Eva/Geoff
  41. Duncan/Leshawna
  42. DJ/Lindsay
  43. Harold/Heather
  44. Heather/Trent
  45. Ezekiel/Leshawna
  46. "TDBDGSS: Duncan"
  47. "Duncan and the Winner"
  48. "TDBDGSS: Lindsay"
  49. "Lindsay and the Winner"
  50. "Crack and Fanon Week" (advertising Total Drama Crack and Fanon Week.)
  51. Alejandro/Heather (notably written one day before World Tour premiered in the US.)
  52. Eva/Harold
  53. Chris McLean/Owen's mom
  54. "Special C&F Week Chapter: Stereotyped" (ficlets for five couples. Also submitted to Total Drama Crack and Fanon Week.)
  55. Blaineley/Chris McLean, with a "giving" theme, (written for day one of "The 12 Crack Couples of Christmas," and event for this drabble collection.)
  56. DJ/Eva, with a "cookies" theme, (day two.)
  57. Gwen/Tyler, with a "secret santas" theme, (day three.)
  58. Izzy/Noah, with a "decorations" theme, (day four.)
  59. Harold/Sierra, with a "perfect Christmas story" theme, (day five.)
  60. Cody/Courtney, with a "snowflakes" theme, (day six.)
  61. Alejandro/Heather, with a "I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus" theme, (day seven.)
  62. Bridgette/Owen, with a "figgy pudding" theme, (day eight.)
  63. "DJ's bunny/Sasquatchana" with a "a special Christmas visit" theme, (day nine.)
  64. Beth/Geoff, with a "?[1]" theme, (day ten.)
  65. Lindsay/Trent, with a "?[2]" theme, (day eleven.)
  66. "Day Twelve of Twelve: Finale!"

References/Further Reading

  1. ^ not specified in the fic
  2. ^ not specified in this fic again