Tracy Hemenover

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Name: Tracy Hemenover
Fandoms: Star Trek: DS9, other?
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Tracy Hemenover is a Star Trek fanwriter and fanartist.

cover of Outpost, issue #8, Tracy Hemenover


Some Zines

Some 1997 Comments About Her Fiction

Macedon posted:

A couple days ago, I read Tracy's new Odo story (name is escaping me, but it was just posted). Didn't realize until after I dropped her a note that she was the same person who had written "Common Ground," which I read some time back and liked (and was reminded of for the contest). So based on liking two stories, I went to hunt down the others in the archive. Note: I cannot *get* to the archive easily on my account, so I have to borrow someone else's...which is just a way of saying I liked her work enough to take the time to do so. <G>

First, her characters are consistent, and *in character* with their presentations on the show. I can hear Nana Visitor and Rene A. (I won't butcher the spelling of the poor man's name) delivering the lines in her stories. Same with the other actors, by in large. She can "hear" their voices *and* reproduce them. That's a skill.

Second, her presentations are complex, her answers are not simple. I am not a grand fan of Kira/Odo stories. That's not intended as a slam; it's just not my cup of tea. But I read "A New Light" all the way through and was impressed by the complexity she allowed in Kira's reactions to Odo. This is the same complexity that was present in "Common Ground," in the recent Odo story (dammit, *why* is the title escaping me?), and also in "Stream of Consciousness."

Third, her narrative flows and is devoid of stylistic errors. It makes her stories easy to read. I'm not constantly tripping over awkward phrasing or a plethora of adjectives and adverbs underfoot. <G>

So, I recommend her as a writer period, not just an individual story, and I'll continue to look for her work in the future. [1]


  1. ^ alt.startrek.creative, February 1997