Truth, Lies, and In Between

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Title: Truth, Lies, and In Between
Author(s): Garmet
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Truth, Lies, and In Between (RatB)

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Truth, Lies, and In Between is a Mulder/Krycek story by Garnet. There are two sequels to this story: Duty and Guilty Pleasures.

Summary: Krycek comes to see Mulder a short time after "Sleepless," before the whole betrayal scene takes shape.

Recs and Reviews

Have you ever been in a relationship that was doomed from the start and you knew it? It was screwed up right from the get go and yet you wanted it? For however long it lasted, you wanted that person. You were drawn to them and you couldn't even resist, didn't want to. Not for a minute. You knew you couldn't keep the person, there was no way you could stay with them. Yet, you wanted them. Something about them just pulled you to them, you couldn't even define what. You just couldn't get away and didn't want to. A moth to a flame. You felt reckless and even though you saw the big sign, 'There be dragons here', you went ahead anyway. You felt free and be damned you were going to be with this person. That is what this story is about. A relationship where one night is enough, because to live a lifetime without it would be too much to bear. One night is better than never having been with them at all. That pretty much sums it up. It's a story set right after Sleepless where Alex does just this. Let's just say I could relate. I could so much I started writing up the rec to this story before it was even archived at RatB, just posted to the lists. Such beautiful emotional POV and internal dialogue of Alex I couldn't resist it. Ever heard that song by Trisha Yearwood 'The Song Remembers When', that's what this story did for me. Took me back to a time I had forgotten and made me remember why I did it in the first place. Something I had forgotten, why I had even been with the person. I finally remembered and damn it felt good to feel that. Ready to read it yet? Probably. Damn, this is a good rec for it. It lives up to it. I think Garnet drew from experience there. Best stories always are.[1]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 27 March 2015)