Twice in a Lifetime

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Title: Twice in a Lifetime
Author(s): Romslinger
Date(s): 10 May 2001
Length: 98kb / 17,273 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Sentinel/Twice in a Lifetime
External Links: Twice in a Lifetime at AO3 (locked to registered users)

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Twice in a Lifetime is a Jim/Blair crossover story by Romslinger.

It was posted at 852 Prospect on May 10, 2001.[1]

Reactions and Reviews

This is a sort-of post-TSbyBS story. Blair chose not to take the badge, went to England to get his doctorate... and Jim was killed in a shoot-out. Now, twenty miserable years later, Blair dies... and is sent back, in his older persona, with three days to put all that went wrong right again.

For this older Blair, returning to the days before Jim's death is more than bitter-sweet. His mission is a difficult one - somehow he has to persuade his earlier self to be in the right place at the right time, without revealing anything of what he knows...

Romslinger has handled the theme very smoothly, turning a death story into one of hope...[2]

Themes: future fic, first time, hurt/comfort

Summary: Twenty years after the end of the series, Blair dies of a heart attack. Instead of moving on, he's brought up before Judge Othniel and told that he has a chance to go back in time and try to alter the events that led to Jim's death in a shoot-out.

Reccer's Notes: The premise for the TV show Twice in a Lifetime was that after dying people were given a chance to go back to a pivotal point in their lives to try to convince their younger selves to make a different decision. They had three days to accomplish the task. Twice in a Lifetime was a Canadian series that lasted two seasons. [3]


  1. ^ 852 Prospect Search Results - Author R, archived by the Wayback Machine on 29 January 2013.
  2. ^ 2012 comments at Crack Van
  3. ^ October 2, 2014 at Fancake