Unfinished Business (TFatF story)

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Title: Unfinished Business
Author(s): Maygra and bone
Date(s): 2004-09-26 - 2014-02-07
Length: 301,204 words
Genre(s): slash/AU
Fandom(s): The Fast and the Furious
External Links: AO3 // author's site
covert art by X

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Unfinished Business is one of the classic slash stories in the Fast and Furious fandom. It was written by Maygra in 2004 and has grown into a bigger series of the same name. Later in the series, Maygra was joined by bone. The stories were first posted to the author's personal site, but it is now unavailable. Instead, the stories are posted to AO3.


Everyone's got their version of what happened at the end of the first movie; this is mine.


  • Unfinished Business - Cover Art by X.
  • Shifting Gears - Cover Art by Angelise
  • Bella Morte - Cover Art by Angelise


In Chronological order the stories are arranged as follows[1]:

  • Unfinished Business - 9/18/2004
  • Shifting Gears - immediately follows UB
  • Bone's Almost series
  • Rush - 7/25/2005 (PWP)
  • A Little Less Conversation with Bone -- a corollary to UB & Bone's "Almost" Series 11/20/2004
  • Changes -12/21/2007 For Den
  • Conversation - 9/28/2004 intermezzo
  • Bella Morte - 9/30/2004 six months after.
  • Damage - 3/7/2005
  • The Debt You Owe with Bone - 10/21/2004
  • The Price You Pay with Bone - 10/28/2004
  • Sway - 12/28/2004
  • Blind Observations - 9/18/2005 Written for Slodwick's "Worst case scenario" challenge
  • Uncut and Unmannerly - 1/17/2007 for The Fourth Vine

Comments and Reviews

THE F&F epic arc of the fandom. Life after the bust. Captures the voice inflictions of the characters. WoW for characterization.[2]

I have it on excellent authority that “Unfinished Business” by Maygra is THE F&F must-read. It’s set after the first movie, so you only need to watch it to dive right in. Enjoy![3]

The whole thing was brilliant, and I loved seeing this alternate universe play out. Brian was just as fearless as he appears in the film, and basically, everything was gorgeous. I loved Dom and his journey. His arc about Brian was so subtle, and it watching the transformation take place was very compelling.[4]

We chatted - very briefly - in the hallway at Escapade two days ago, and only afterward did I realize, belatedly, that you had authored these stories. While it's been a long time (too long!) since I've read this series, I wanted to say that it has stuck with me, I can still recall specific scenes, and that this was one of the first stories that made me realize the scope of what fanfiction could be, both in terms of sheer scale, but also in terms of telling action/adventure stories - both things I'm still working on doing in my own stories. It was so nice to get to meet fans in person last weekend, and I just wanted to say, even if I missed my chance to do so face to face, thanks for writing :)[5]

I love this fic! Loved the slow burn and the whole story! I just started this random and your story is the first I've read of this pairing! Great job![6]

Pretty epic canon-divergence that deals in responsibilities and consequences.[7]

It's epic and awesome and character-driven AND plotty and exciting. oh, and there's some scorching sex scenes but who cares about those, right?[8]

I discovered maygra's awesome Unfinished Business series. It is a must read--good plot, actual character development, hurt/comfort--this series has it all. I stayed up way too late too many nights in a row reading the whole thing.[9]

Warning Page Controversy

In August 2009 jane_elliot posted to LJ community epic_rants saying:

Here's what Maygra's The Fast and the Furious fic warning page says:

The following stories may contain [a list that includes every possible warning ever invented in the history of fanfic]. Or, there may be none of those things.

And though it isn't explicitly stated, I find the following to be heavily implied:

And if you are a responsible reader who wants to make an informed decision before reading fic? FUCK YOU!

Honestly, if you can't be bothered to put warnings on your fic, at least don't insult readers who *do* want to make a responsible choice when it comes to their reading choices. Just because you don't consider warnings to be important does not mean that they aren't valid.


I will say that I will eventually be reccing some stories in the Unfinished Business series, because they are good fics (and, well, because I'd downloaded them before anyone ever linked me to her warning page). That said, I doubt I'm going to be browsing Maygra's fic any time soon. Or, ever.

A lot of commenters agreed with her rant[10][11], some deciding to play Devil's Advocate[12].

Maygra also responded saying:

Not that it would (or should change) your opinion, because I'm pretty well known by people who read me for my stance on warnings/disclaimers (I'm for them): but I will point out that that particular warning is on the splash page for the stories written for that fandom. Individual stories have far more relevant warnings and disclaimers -- and are somewhat less tongue in cheek. A similar set of disclaimers appears on the splash page of nearly every fandom I've written in.

I do believe readers need to take responsibility for the stories they click on; as pointed out below, that disclaimer is specifically aimed at people who think they should be warned for everything that might make them flinch -- which gets a tad ridiculous, even for someone who advocates warnings and disclaimers as strongly as I do. You won't, on picking an actual story of mine to read, trip over non-con or rape by accident.

So, I'm sorry you were put off by what I thought was actually more of gentle poke at readers at large instead of a "Fuck You" to anyone who happens to trip over my fic pages.[13]


  1. ^ series page on AO3, accessed December 13th, 2015
  2. ^ review, accessed December 15th 2015
  3. ^ The Backlot slash news, accessed December 15th 2015
  4. ^ review, accessed December 15th 2015
  5. ^ review, accessed December 15th 2015
  6. ^ review, accessed December 15th 2015
  7. ^ "Rec at recs.fandomish.net, June 29, 2021". Archived from the original on 2022-07-28.
  8. ^ "Comment on some random Fast & Furious thoughts, June 5, 2016 Livejournal post". Archived from the original on 2022-07-28.
  9. ^ "May 10, 2011 Livejournal post". Archived from the original on 2022-07-25.
  10. ^ comment by nemesishamartia
  11. ^ comment by elspethdixon
  12. ^ comment by theficklepickle
  13. ^ comment by maygra