Vanilla Baby

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Title: Vanilla Baby
Author(s): PeaceFanfics
Date(s): November 2019 - July 2020
Length: 430k words; 59 chapters
Genre(s): ABO, slash
Fandom(s): BTS
External Links: ao3 link, Archived version

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Vanilla Baby is a BTS fanfic by PeaceFanfics. It is an ABO fanfic and Sugar Daddy AU. The main pairing is Jikook.

On the Archive of Our Own, it is the fifth most popular BTS fanwork by hit counts. As of January 2021, it has over 580,000 hits, 16,000 kudos, 7,000 comments, and 2,900 bookmarks.

At some point between May and August 2021, the fic was removed from AO3 by its author.


Summary: Broke college student Omega Park Jimin loses his job when the cafe he works at goes under. When a friend jokingly suggests getting a 'Sugar Daddy', Jimin laughs him off. But as he struggles to find a job, suddenly the idea is looking more and more tempting.

Rich businessman and CEO Jeon Jungkook is a workaholic who is sexually frustrated and in desperate need of a good orgasm, but with no time or energy to foster a real romantic attachment. When the idea of a 'Sugar Baby' is brought up, he thinks it might be just the thing he needs.

Can something that starts out as just sex for money become something more?
