Wedding of the Year

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Title: Wedding of the Year
Author(s): Ruthless & Relentless
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Wedding of the Year (The Clinic)

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Wedding of the Year is a Mulder/Krycek story by Ruthless & Relentless. It has a sequel called Mindfield.

Summary: What really should occur at a wedding. Any wedding. I hate weddings.

Recs and Reviews

Ok, I have to make a correction here. Below when I rec'd the story Deny Everything, I said it was the funniest M/K story I had ever read. Well, me and my insomniac brain forgot about Wedding of the Year. How I don't know, since this is one of my favorite stories out there. Had another brain freeze when I forgot to rec it and it's sequel Mindfield. Wedding of the Year is totally hilarious, this one is so damn funny. One of those stories I read in the middle of the night and nearly ruptured something trying not to wake the whole house up. It is all centered around Scully and Skinner's wedding and the hijinks that insure due to our dear sweet Ratboy not really that keen on attending. Mindfield is a prequel to this one I think rather than a sequel, it's in response to a question someone asked the writers about something they mentioned in Wedding of the Year. This story came about to explain it. It isn't really a humor story. It's more serious in some respects, plenty or angst, some romance and really hot sex. Oh yeah, Panther Alex Baby. I can't forget that. A hot steamy, wild version of Alex that I do love, even if I don't see him that way. A more feral Alex, think Alex ala Wolverine from the X-Men (the comic book version, much more feral). I totally liked this version of Alex though, he is sweet in a feral way. Intelligent too, a natural profiler to Mulder's trained one. [...] Both these stories are great. The first one is so funny I crack up every time I read it. The other sweet and angsty, with a touch of feral quality for flavor.[1]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 31 March 2015)