Whatever It Takes (Quantum Leap story)

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Title: Whatever It Takes
Author(s): Debbie Martinez
Date(s): 24 Jun 1996
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Quantum Leap
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Whatever It Takes is a gen Quantum Leap story written by Debbie Martinez.

It was posted to alt.tv.quantum-leap.creative in 1996.


After making a promise to Sam to get him home, Al awakes to find that a significant change has taken place in his life, and now must leap in order to keep his promise.

NOTES: This takes place the morning after Al left Sam at the bar in "Mirror Image." [1]

Author Notes

Hi all, I've written a few very short fan-fics before, but this is my first looooong one. It didn't start out this way, and I hadn't intended for so much of it to deal with Al. (Could this be one of the early warning signs of Al-choholism? :) Any way, it's one of those post MI pieces, and was inspired during the most recent onslaught of MI related posts on the newsgroup. Since I haven't read any of the others, I hope it doesn't end up sounding like someone elses [sic].

All standard disclaimers of characters, and the rights to them apply. [2]


Reactions and Reviews

Al leaps after Sam to bring him home (hey, I've just written that scenario myself in a story called 'Girl Talk') and ends up at Al's bar on the day that he (our Al) was born. Mirror Image part two......with a nice little leapette at the end before reality gets back on track. The ending is a little rushed and confused and owes something to Dallas. I would have liked to have known just how much of what I'd read really had happened or was all a Horrible Dream. Help! [3]


  1. ^ from ql-archive
  2. ^ from ql-archive
  3. ^ by Philippa Chapman at Fanfic reviews? (August 19, 1998)