White Rabbit (Starsky & Hutch story)

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Title: White Rabbit
Author(s): Morgan Logan
Date(s): 2005
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: White Rabbit

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White Rabbit is a slash story by Morgan Logan.

It was published in Like Water, Like Fire and is online.

Reactions and Reviews

All 10 of these recommended stories could easily be those written by Morgan Logan. In my brief time as a reader of S&H fic, she has emerged as my favorite writer. I just love the voices she has for these guys. Her Starsky is funny and bold and smart about the things that matter. Her Hutch is reserved, with a dry sense of humor, and a nagging sense that he's never really good enough. They're crazy about each other, and understanding of each other's failings. I could have picked any one of her stories for this list, but decided to go with White Rabbit, almost on a whim. The boys go camping (don't they ever learn?) and when they're short of grub, mooch some mushroom laced soup off a couple of hippies. Things get weird, then they get passionate. Will the guys ever forgive themselves or each other? I'd say the odds are pretty good. [1]
