You Say Tomato and I Say Tomahto, and Let's Call the Whole Thing Off

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Title: You Say Tomato and I Say Tomahto, and Let's Call the Whole Thing Off
Author(s): aeroport_art, solarcat05, helva2260
Date(s): 23 December 2008 (1st story)
19 February 2009 (2nd story)
14 July 2010 (podfic)
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Merlin
External Links: You Say Tomato and I Say Tomahto (story)
Let's Call the Whole Thing Off (story)
You Say Tomato and I Say Tomahto, and Let's Call the Whole Thing Off (audiobook)

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You Say Tomato and I Say Tomahto is a short Merlin/Arthur story by aeroport_art (2,110 words). Summary: Arthur and Merlin have their own interpretations of what the hell happened That Night. They're both wrong and kind of deluded. But they still get lucky, so who's counting?

This is hilarious miscommunication!fic where Arthur thinks he has slept with Merlin and Merlin thinks Arthur is onto his magic and they end up in bed without figuring out that they are both wrong. SolarCat wrote a sequel where Arthur actually finds out about Merlin's magic and Merlin is still oblivious to him not knowing all along.

Let's Call the Whole Thing Off is the sequel by SolarCat (864 words). Summary: In retrospect, Merlin's ridiculous concerns about being executed make a lot more sense.

helva2260 podficced the stories and made podfic covers and an audibook album including both parts.[1] The first story is 18:33 min long and the second one 8:53 min. They both have their own covers and are available as single mp3 files at the Audiofic Archive. The combined podbook is 27:23 min long and in addition to the audiobook also available in mp3 format. Each story is introduced by an excerpt from the song the fanfiction is named after.

podfic cover art by helva2260
podfic cover art by helva2260
