Ceremony of Innocence (Quantum Leap story)

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Title: Ceremony of Innocence
Author(s): Doreen Tracy
Date(s): 1994
Genre(s): slash, Sam/Al
Fandom(s): Quantum Leap
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Ceremony of Innocence is a slash Quantum Leap story by Doreen Tracy.

It was published in Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #2 in 1994.

It is a sort-of companion fic to Unforgettable which had been published the year before by Doreen Tracy under the name "Colleen Moore," something the publisher revealed.

Reactions and Reviews

I liked all the stories in WBTYS2, but there was one I liked better and I wish to comment on it: "Ceremony of Innocence" — I was not aware that Doreen had penned the first story, "Unforgettable." But since that first story used the idea of the Twilight Zone episode, "Room 2426," as a basis, I assumed Doreen didn't want to imitate the author. Imagine my surprise that they were one and the same. (-Colleen Moore, who penned "Unforgettable," and Doreen Tracy, who authored "Ceremony of Innocence," are indeed the same person.- Mysti Frank, the publisher) I thoroughly loved this story; it had elements of cloak and dagger that I have found in other QL fan fiction, but it was very well done. Imagine Chip being alive and with Al, building a complex to house the country's greatest minds and let them work without government interference. Having the United States become almost like a police state (a la 1984) was interesting. I was sure at the end of the first story that Sam was dead; it was great that he had just been spirited away and was still alive. Having to fake his own death for the government was a neat touch. (Sam was indeed dead at the end of "Unforgettable;" he is alive in "Ceremony" because the two stories are not direct sequels. They are the same story told two different ways — one in which Sam dies trying to protect the people and things he loves, and one in which Sam lives, and he and Al manage to thwart the government and live happily ever after.- MF)

A lot of suffering, with Al not knowing whether Sam was alive or not, but relief at the end when they were reunited. I hope that Doreen might write another story with this same theme, I would really like another sequel. Very good job on the zine! I can hardly wait for #3![1]

I loved "Unforgettable" in WBTYS1, but enjoyed "Ceremony of Innocence" more because of the happy ending. It was brilliantly portrayed from both sides of the coin. [2]

Issue 2 [of Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam!] was just a wonderful. At first I was more than a little resentful that a good third of the zine appeared to be a rehash of "Unforgettable." But then I read "Ceremony of Innocence." Although I personally didn't mind the tragic tone of "Unforgettable" (we all gotta go sometime...), I was nonetheless pleased with another story that packed almost the same emotional punch, but with a happy ending. [3]

"Ceremony of Innocence" was hard to put down, but also hard to read — but in a good way. I was especially impressed by the detailed backdrop that Doreen set up for her story; it made everything so three-dimensional. Even though I hadn't read the first story (and after reading others' comments, I don't know if I could!), this one stood very well on its own. Doreen's another author who doesn't disappoint. [4]


  1. ^ from a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #3
  2. ^ from a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #3
  3. ^ from a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #3
  4. ^ from a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #3