Unforgettable (Quantum Leap story)

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Title: Unforgettable
Author(s): Colleen Moore
Date(s): 1993
Genre(s): slash, Sam/Al
Fandom(s): Quantum Leap
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Unforgettable is a slash Quantum Leap story by Colleen Moore.

It was published in Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #1 in 1993.

It is a sort-of companion fic to Ceremony of Innocence which was published a year later Doreen Tracy. "Colleen Moore" and Doreen Tracy are the same person, something the publisher revealed.


The sound of agonized retching caught and twisted my gut. Running for the bathroom, I stopped stock still at the door, staring in horror at the trembling man kneeling over the toilet.

He was gasping for breath, those fragile hands almost the same color as the porcelain he had a deathgrip on. Retching dry air, his face reddening with the effort. I flicked on the light, wondering in the back of my fear filled mind why he chose to sit here and vomit in the dark. When the brightness filled the room, I knew. He looked worse than an Auschwitz victim, every rib on his torso visible, his muscle tone down to nothing, legs sticks with just the semblance of flesh... And the bruises, on the inside of each elbow, prominent against his nearly snow white skin.

"My God, Sam. What the hell are they doing to you?"

Reactions and Reviews


Unforgettable -- a painful, down-beat story now and then is enjoyable, but I'm reading way too many of them In S/A for my tastes. Especialy after the thoroughly depressing ending to the series. I have the need for happy endings. [1]

"Unforgettable," one of my all-time favorite QL stories, slash or straight. It was so good and so sad. I sometimes had to put it down and go away for awhile, then come back to it again. I didn't just cry at the end. l cried all through it. By the way, that's my way of recognizing a really sad story, by how much I cry while reading it. [2]

There were only two stories [in the zine] that I wasn't happy with, the first being "Unforgettable."

Death stories are not my favorites, but I have nothing against them. And I enjoy hurt/comfort ones, but this was too much. Too much hurt, no comfort. [3]

"Unforgettable" was wrenching, lovely and as haunting as a ghost. [4]

"Unforgettable" -- gripping torture story, but I still can't see how Ruben would have missed the idea of tightening the screws on Sam by bringing Al along, torturing him -- and making Sam watch. That might have done it. Besides, even if they were leaving themselves an out by keeping the admiral alive, the military still would have come down on them, once they found out Ruben had tortured "the next Einstein" (Sam) to suicide. Either way, Ruben had no real incentive for keeping Al alive, once they got the secret. Ruben was realy stupid in thinking tapes of a non-deceased Sam could frighten Al into surrender! [5]

I saved the best for last with Coleen Moore's "Unforgettable." It is thoroughly incredible, with consistently sophisticated writing and totally believable characters But the most remarkable part of this piece Is the depth of raw emotion involved; the author obviously puts her heart and soul into every single word. I especially love the scene where Al Is crying into Sam's robe after he's died -- it made me cry. I would happily show this story to anyone wary of slash as a fine example of how wonderful and romantic it can be. I was fortunate enough to speak with Coleen and express my admiration, but I still can't seem to praise her enough. Unforgettable is some of the best fanfic I have ever read, slash or straight! [6]


This story seems to hit people only two ways: either they loved it or they hated it. If they loved it, great. If they hated it (as [C] seemed to), I've got a wonderful suggestion: buy WBTYS2. Author Colleen Moore (a pseud) has re-written "Unforgettable" from a different viewpoint and this time -- SAM LIVES! The sequel is under the name Doreen Tracy (another pseud), and has yet to not satisfy anyone who hated the first story because Sam died. [7]

I liked all the stories in WBTYS2, but there was one I liked better and I wish to comment on it: "Ceremony of Innocence" — I was not aware that Doreen had penned the first story, "Unforgettable." But since that first story used the idea of the Twilight Zone episode, "Room 2426," as a basis, I assumed Doreen didn't want to imitate the author. Imagine my surprise that they were one and the same. (-Colleen Moore, who penned "Unforgettable," and Doreen Tracy, who authored "Ceremony of Innocence," are indeed the same person.- MF) [8]


I've only recently started reading QL slash and have found it...variable. It's either extremely good (Unforgettable by Colleen Moore and a story [Leap of Faith by Elizabeth Ulrich] that appeared in one of the Liaisons that was a QL/MUNCLE crossover - sorry I don't have the name of the story or author at hand) or mere fluff (no names!). I'd be interested in your, or anyone's, opinion on some of the better QL stories. [9]


I loved "Unforgettable" in WBTYS1, but enjoyed "Ceremony of Innocence" more because of the happy ending. It was brilliantly portrayed from both sides of the coin. [10]

Issue 2 [of Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam!] was just a wonderful. At first I was more than a little resentful that a good third of the zine appeared to be a rehash of "Unforgettable" But then I read "Ceremony of Innocence." Although I personally didn't mind the tragic tone of "Unforgettable" (we all gotta go sometime...), I was nonetheless pleased with another story that packed almost the same emotional punch, but with a happy ending. [11]

[noted as being revived "via Internet]:

Just a note to say that Colleen Moore's "Unforgettable" In WBTYS1 truly was. This is one of the best hurt/comfort stories I've ever read in any universe, straight or Sam/AI! Apart from being tender and moving, it was beautifully written. That's something rare in zines in general, too. Gems like "Unforgettable" prove that the best Sam/AI storylines can keep true to the original characters while adding a believable sexual relationship. Brava to you and Colleen Moore, and thanks for a terrific zine! More! (Or should I say, more Moore!) [12]

Yes, I'm one of those stick-in-the-muds who wants happy endings. "Ceremony of Innocence" made the pain from "Unforgettable" go away. [13]


  1. ^ a letter of comment in "Wham Bam, Thank You, Sam" #1
  2. ^ from a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #1
  3. ^ from a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #1
  4. ^ from a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #1
  5. ^ from a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #1
  6. ^ a letter of comment in "Wham Bam, Thank You, Sam" #1
  7. ^ comment on Virgule-L by Mysti Frank (September 10, 1994)
  8. ^ from a letter of comment in Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #3
  9. ^ from Strange Bedfellows (APA) #9
  10. ^ from a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #3
  11. ^ from a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #3
  12. ^ from a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #3
  13. ^ from a letter of comment in "Wham, Bam, Thank You, Sam! #3