Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Carbonara

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Title: Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Carbonara
Author(s): pavarottixii
Date(s): December 17, 2010
Length: 2,293 words
Genre(s): vore, NC-17
Fandom(s): Glee
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Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Carbonara is a well-known Glee fanfic centered on Klaine and featuring vore. It was posted to the kurt_blaine LiveJournal comm in 2010 for the Glee Kink Meme. It is an example of CanniBlaine.


There was a lot of wank about this fic on Tumblr, which was really kind of irritating, so out of spite I ended up reading it even though it squicked me really hard. Opinions on the subject matter aside, your writing was chillingly beautiful, so kudos. :)


The complaints are getting annoying. I like that not everything is fluff in the klaine universe, how boring would that get? But if it's not your cup of tea then stop clicking on links that clearly warn for vore and tearing down other people's creativity.


I have no doubt that this is going to cause something of a stir (I mean, that one girl just could not let that cute/disturbing vore fanart go), but shake it off. They read the story knowing the warnings, just like I did, knowing that the content was either going to squick them out or not.


Reactions and Reviews

This was chilling and lovely, and despite my being horrified and slightly nauseous, I couldn't stop reading. This (in a literary sense) is exactly what I like.


This really disturbed me, but not in the way you probably think. You're obviously a brilliant writer; I think that goes without saying. The thing that really bothered me was the absence of consent. I probably would have enjoyed this a lot more if Kurt was either a willing participant, or if Kurt and Blaine ate someone together. But your writing is just fantastic! It ensnared all of my senses.


I have been loving all over you on the anon meme for this fic, but I just wanted to state here that it has been a very long time since a fic has affected me like this one has. It is brilliant, and I have been thinking about it since it was posted to the kink meme (and not just because it is near constantly discussed). I find this story so deeply fascinating, and this insight into what could be described as psychotic behaviour on the part of Blaine that is concealed under a veneer of normality is fantastic. This story is raw, visceral and wonderfully written. Psychopaths and serial killers have always fascinated me and I love reading about them because I enjoy being disturbed. I don't know what that says about me, but there you go.


The first time I read this, it gave me chills for days. I still get shakes thinking about it, because it's absolutely brilliantly written and if it was enough to make me kind of super nauseous and unable to sleep for two days without seeing it way too vividly in my head, then that's definitely impacting. As much as it hurts to think about Kurt dying for Blaine's fetish, you are an incredible writer that makes everything so REAL and INTENSE and I applaud you for taking it on!




And who could ever forget the notorious canniBlaine? There was Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Carbonara, the original vore fic, and then was The Kurt Hummel Cookbook, just to name a couple.



I don’t think I’m going crazy — was anyone else around from the glee fandom in 2010-11 (season 2 hiatus) who rememberers a very smutty, sexual fic where kurt or blaine literally ate the other? I need it to prove a point and show that 2010-11 scarred me, I am so sure it exists, someone help thank you <3

