The Kurt Hummel Cookbook

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Title: The Kurt Hummel Cookbook
Author(s): candybal
Date(s): January 15, 2011
Length: 2,393 words
Genre(s): NC-17, cannibal kink
Fandom(s): Glee
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The Kurt Hummel Cookbook is a 2011 CanniBlaine fic posted to LiveJournal. It is formatted as a collection of recipes with extensive introductions and explanations.

Satirical Criticism

Satirical critical comments were left by anonymous users (presumably the author) and inspired commentfics.

Soooooooo... you can stop trolling kurt_blaine anytime just so you know. Take this sick shit elsewhere like at whatever creepy BDSM club you whore at


IKR? I mean, such blatant homophobia with this post. :| Just because Kurt is the more stereotypically feminine does not mean that he always needs to be the bottom in the relationship. But are there any fics of Kurt eating Blaine? Nope! And candybal is obviously responsible for this. God, people sometimes.


Reactions and Reviews

But as for the main fic now, THIS HAS OFFICIALLY MADE YOU MY NEW FAVORITE. The recipes are just so lighthearted and cheery and I love that so, so much. I love the line in Rare and Limited Strips about how the chef shouldn't forget to give Kurt a hug at this point, because he OBVIOUSLY must need one. So cute. ♥


I'll be honest -- vore doesn't really do anything for me, for the most part (I tried one, but it was *way* too graphic and dark for me to like it much)...but this was just so damn dapper, chipper, and tongue-in-cheek cheerful that I couldn't resist giving it at least a look through. I should SO not have found these as amusing as they were. It was just how...cheery Blaine was through it all. And the testimonials at the end? Classic. Not sure that you've converted me to the small comm-within-a-comm of Blaine/Kurt vore shippers that have sprang up, but I have to admit -- in ways I don't want to examine too closely, I found this fun.


So I didn't actually read this entire thing, and therefore can't leave a full and proper comment, because really, vore is not my kink even a little, I have no idea what even compelled me to click on this, and I halfly wish I hadn't, but, I totally want to just say that this is super hilarious and creative, and I love the fact that your haters only seem to make you stronger. Good job entirely, keep doing what you do. We really need more risk takers and box breakers in this fandom, cheesey high school fics (mine included) could only go so far otherwise.


Use of Vore as Label

Hi, while this is slightly funny I'd like to point out that this isn't vore, it's cannibalism... Vore is different, especially soft vore (which I am into). And even hard vore isn't the same as this. I'm not criticizing you or your work, it's the fault of that first Blaine/Kurt 'vore' fic (I tried to read that one btw, but it nearly made me vomit, so I stopped) and now everybody sees that sort of stuff as vore. As a vorarephile, that is really frustrating. Now, whenever I mention I'm into vore, the people in the Glee fandom immediately think about the so-called canni!blaine fics and they find that disturbing. YKINMKATO, so for cannibal fetishists, fine I have no problem with those people, but I'm not into cannibalism since I find it disturbing, so it is really offending if people have that reaction when I say I'm into vore. And okay, after I explain what vore really is, they're like "Oh okay, that's not so bad as that other thng" but some people don't even give me the chance to explain.




And who could ever forget the notorious canniBlaine? There was Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Carbonara, the original vore fic, and then was The Kurt Hummel Cookbook, just to name a couple.



  1. ^ Comment by Anonymous (2011)
  2. ^ Comment by Anonymous (2011)
  3. ^ Comment by abluegirl (2011)
  4. ^ Comment by pfenix_goddess (2011)
  5. ^ Comment by preferthemoss (2011)
  6. ^ Comment by Anonymous (2012)
  7. ^ Looking back…or An Open Love Letter to the Klaine fandom by ittlebitz on Tumblr (2015)