Saga (Avengers story)

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Title: Saga
Author(s): Teyke
Date(s): 31 October 2012
Length: 65,521 words
Genre(s): Action/Adventure
Fandom(s): The Avengers (Marvel), MCU
External Links: Saga (AO3)
cover art by amindaya

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Saga is an Avengers story by Teyke. It was written for the Marvel Universe Big Bang 2012 and is the first part of The Undone Universe series. The story was inspired by a combination of two prompts on the avengerkink meme.[1]

Summary: Tony falls into the closing portal, but he doesn’t make it out the other side before it snaps shut. Trapped in a universe where time runs oddly when mortals blink, and accompanied by a Not-Quite-Dead Steve Rogers, Tony mouths off to a goddess of death, goes cross-dressing with Thor and Loki, and learns to hate Asgardian engineering. Oh, and he may have caused the end of the universe as they know it.

The art for the story - cover and two illustrations - is by amindaya.[2]

Recs and Reviews

Epic blend of MCU, 616, Norse mythology. Ragnarok happened though not the way it's supposed to because of Loki, 616!Steve keeps fading in and out of the world, Tony finds himself the instrument of the universe's destruction.[3]

Wow. That was a wonderfully satisfying and engrossing read. Your characterization is great -- Tony, in particular, is fantastic -- and I love how you combined the different canons. The entire Ragnarok sequence at the climax was really and truly epic. I'm very happy that you're planning a sequel, since I definitely want to see more of this universe.[4]

I...honestly don't even know where to begin. All the wonderful detail, and tie-in of Norse mythology, and the descriptions of EVERYTHING, and the little bits of Tony feels that stabbed me in the heart (...) What's more, you've completely changed my perspective on the end of how the movie ended, and I'm having a Shutter Island moment here where I'm contemplating so deeply whether or not this was just all in his head or if it actually happened, and thank GOD there's a sequel not too far away because I'll probably go insane myself trying to figure it out without answers.[5]

Illustration by amindaya. MCU!Tony and 616!Steve.
I fucking adore all the sciencey worldbuilding you put into this! The Asgardians as pan-dimensional beings is so fascinating, especially the concept of there being a "brain" of all their different incarnations that seems to function at a much more "godly" level than the characters we see in the movies do - such interesting implications! The tie-ins with Norse mythology were great. I love that Tony ended up there, and how he ended up being so tightly involved with Ragnarok. And Nidhogg. That was fucking brilliant - vaguely Lovecraftian, in that it inhabits dimensions incapable of human comprehension, but so much creepier because of how you described it and Tony's reaction to it; that he recognizes what it is, almost, but it's so warped and incomprehensible he can't bear to look at I said, brilliant. (Plus, you got me to look up the math terms I didn't recognize! Congratulations, you've educated me!) Also, I really loved your Tony. In fic, he almost always leaves me feeling cold, and he's not my favorite to begin with, but damn, he was wonderful. The way you described the workings of his mind actually helped me connect more with his character in canon - he makes more sense to me now.[6]

This is fantastic! The very beginning didn't grab me for some reason, but from where Tony met Steve I couldn't put the story down until the end. I love how you weaved in the mythology and created an atmosphere that really feels like Tony Stark Fell Into Norse Myths instead of just using a few elements and bringing them into MCU 'verse. Your Asgardians are truly alien and different, wonderful, especially when Tony wonders what that means for the possibility of redemption, and all that seems to be weird with time. You did a great job with Níðhöggr at writing about the indescribable. And then the twist ending! I'm looking forward to more :D[7]


  1. ^ "The armor shut down, and eventually Tony did too. But what did he see in that place between worlds? What did he learn?" and "The portal closes too quickly and Tony doesn't fall back through it in time. (...) Tony is fighting aliens in space while on an epic quest to get back home."
  2. ^ amindaya. Art for marvel_bang: Saga (Tony & Steve), 30 October 2012. (Accessed 30 December 2012)
  3. ^ Bgtea. AO3 Bookmarks, 01 November 2012. (Accessed 30 December 2012)
  4. ^ marinarusalka. AO3 Comment, 08 November 2012. (Accessed 30 December 2012)
  5. ^ PsychopompSentinel. AO3 Comment, 07 November 2012. (Accessed 30 December 2012)
  6. ^ tristesses. AO3 Comment, 12 November 2012. (Accessed 30 December 2012)
  7. ^ schneefink. AO3 Comment, 16 November 2012. (Accessed 30 December 2012)