The Undone Universe

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Title: The Undone Universe
Author(s): Teyke
Date(s): October 2012-present
Length: 426,232 words
Genre(s): Gen
Fandom(s): The Avengers
External Links: The Undone Universe on AO3

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The Undone Universe is an in-progress series by Teyke that starts out in the Marvel Cinematic Universe near the end of The Avengers (2012) and is set in different universes of the multiverse. It focuses on Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. It is a heavily-plotted gen fic with slash leanings.



The first major fic in The Undone Universe, Saga was written for the Marvel Universe Big Bang 2012. amindaya did the art for it. Tony falls into the closing portal, but he doesn’t make it out the other side before it snaps shut. Trapped in a universe where time runs oddly when mortals blink, and accompanied by a Not-Quite-Dead Steve Rogers, Tony mouths off to a goddess of death, goes cross-dressing with Thor and Loki, and learns to hate Asgardian engineering. Oh, and he may have caused the end of the universe as they know it.


The second fic in The Undone Universe, Fallout is a small interlude piece. Two days after watching the Níðhöggr eat a universe, Tony implements the first stage of his plans.


The third fic in The Undone Universe, Glimpse is another small interlude piece. Tony Stark's hiring practices are a bit unorthodox.

The Shadow of Tony Stark

The fourth fic in The Undone Universe and the second major fic, The Shadow of Tony Stark was written for the Big Big Bang 2012. lbrahil did the art for it. Tony kills himself. Steve struggles to deal with being left behind once again. But he doesn’t have much time to spend grieving, because it quickly becomes apparent that Tony was working on a secret project before his death, one with the potential to change the world – and he wasn’t working alone.

One Step Left

The fifth fic in The Undone Universe, One Step Left is the third major fic. Steve Rogers of Earth-199999.18382 finds himself hopping through worlds with the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth-9810.2 as his reluctant guide. Meanwhile, the man he is searching for must decide who to trust – but the shadow falling over his mind makes it difficult for him to tell friend from foe...


Part 6: Faith (2,933 words). Summary: ...can be found in surprising places. Or perhaps not so surprising.


Part 7: Rescue (4,648 words). Summary: Tony Stark is dead. Steve Rogers has vanished. Pepper Potts is under arrest. Natasha can do something about only one of these things.

The Western Road

Part 8: The Western Road (136,808 words). The next major installment in the series, The Western Road, is the longest story yet. The last part of it was posted 5 May 2014. Summary: Steve and Tony go on an epic road trip to save the world.

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Recs and Reviews

The series has been recc'ed widely; see Saga and The Shadow of Tony Stark for examples.
