Tea Leaves and Crystal Balls

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Title: Tea Leaves and Crystal Balls
Author(s): Carol Davis
Date(s): February 1976
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
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Tea Leaves and Crystal Balls is a 85-page gen Starsky & Hutch novel by Carol Davis.

It is a pass-around story, which means it was privately circulated to a small number of fans.

title page
first page

Related Stories

Its Early Date

This story predates the early and seminal zine series Zebra Three.

Because it was written very early, and while the show was still on the air, details do not match later stories. One example: Hutch is mentioned as originally being from Pennsylvania.


After a cop is shot and killed, a reluctant sixteen-year old physic tells Starsky and Hutch that Hutch is the next target.