The Next Voice You Hear

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Title: The Next Voice You Hear
Author(s): Carol Davis
Date(s): October 1976
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
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The Next Voice You Hear is a 70-page gen Starsky & Hutch novel in script form by Carol Davis ("from an idea by Beckie Higgenbotham").

title page
sample page

It is a pass around story, which means it was never widely distributed; only a few copies were privately circulated.

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Plot Description

When a fellow cop, Duane, is killed, Starsky and Hutch track down his killer.

Duane has joined a devil worshiping cult and rejected Catholicism.

Starsky and Hutch go undercover in the cult, but they are soon found out.

Both men are drugged with wine. Starsky is raped by a woman on an altar in front of Hutch and the cult members. Both are imprisoned and assaulted. Hutch becomes brainwashed, but Starsky does not. When the cult members find out Starsky is a Jew, they command Hutch to kill him with a knife. Hutch agrees to do this, only wanting to be reassured that Starsky will suffer no pain.

At the last minute, Hutch turns the knife from Starsky's throat and confronts the Master. He then stabs the Master and passes out.

Dobey rescues them.

The Master's body has disappeared, as does the knife.

Dobey tells them to get dressed, and Starsky and Hutch make light of what happened to them. "Don't ask," they tell Dobey.

Starsky and Hutch talk later. Hutch feels bad and doesn't know if he can go to church anymore. Starsky suggests: "We'll call a couple of girls - have a good time. Guaranteed to take your mind off anything. Huh?"

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